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It was finally spring break. That means only 2 more months until summer. And then 3 more months till college. I can't believe I'm a senior. I can't believe I will graduate soon.

I get up at 5:00 am. Not the preferable time for spring break, however, if i wanna make it to the class pick up in time i need to get up this early. Every year the senior class goes on a spring break trip to Camp Owanaka up in the mountains. It's a senior treat. Only a certain number of seniors can go. 30 at most out of all 200 of us. So when you sign up it's first come first serve. I signed up on the first day of school. No way was I missing this.

I got dressed and ready, grabbed my bag which I had packed the night before, and headed downstairs to make some breakfast. I saw my mom down there already making bacon in eggs. My favorite. You basically cook bacon, cut it into small pieces and cook it into scrambled eggs. It's simple but delicious.

"Morning mom."

"Morning Toru. Are you excited for your trip?"

"Oh my god yes! I could barely sleep!"

She finishes cooking breakfast and sets a plate on the counter for me. I gladly picked it up. "Then make sure to get some rest on the bus, okay?" She kisses my forehead and I sit down at the counter.

"I will."

I finish eating quickly and drink some water before my mom drives me to school. I would normally drive but I don't trust leaving my car in the school parking lot for a week.

She parks the car on the side of the road and we both walk out. We head to the two buses parked out front of the school. Yes two. 30 kids in one bus is far too cramped. Once I arrived I spotted my best friend, Sugawara Koushi. We've been friends since the 3rd grade. He's always had my back and I'll always have his.

"Suga!" I ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged back.

"Toru! I'm so excited! I remember being so jealous of the seniors before us like every year."

"Yeah, I know. You wouldn't shut up about it." Koushi giggles as my mom makes her way over to us. She says hello to Koushi's mom first, who i completely forgot to say hello to, and then she said hello to Suga. Don't worry. I said hello to Christy after my mom did.

We conversed for a few minutes till the teachers started checking off names as kids walked onto the bus. I turned towards my mom and gave her a big hug. "I'll miss you."

She hugged back and planted another kiss on my forehead. "I'll miss you too."

We let go. Koushi was already in line, waving at me to join him.

"I'll see you soon, ok?"

"Yes yes. Now go! Have fun."

"Thanks mom." I walk over to Koushi. "Stay safe!"

I give my mom a thumbs up before she leaves for her car. I talk with Suga as the line moves forward, kids entering the buses. We finally got to the front. We place our bags under the bus in the bagging compartment and head to Mrs. Smith, my favorite teacher. She teaches AP Literature and she's the absolute best.

"Hello Oikawa. Hello Sugawara. I just checked you off so you can board the bus now."

"Thanks Mrs. Smith." We both say in unison before walking onto the bus. We sit next to each other and talked as the last of students filled up our bus.

Once everyone was on the bus Mrs Smith did a head count. We were good to go, along with the other bus, and we were off. We left the school parking lot and got on the road.

The drive was 4 hours so I put in my earphones after finishing my conversation with Suga. I played my favorite playlist and scrolled through Instagram as we drove.

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