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It's been 6 days since we arrived at Camp Owanaka. We leave tomorrow morning.  I ignored Semi for the most part, besides nights, even though he always seemed to leave past curfew and come back an hour later. Just like the first night. I ignored that too.

I was hanging out with Suga after lunch, around 8, when a camp counselor came up to us. He was male and definitely in college.

"You boys having fun?"

"Oh yeah. It's been a blast this week. Kinda sad we have to leave tomorrow."

He chuckles. He's kinda cute. "Well, we have one last fun thing we're gonna do. Can you make your way up to the fire pit?"

Me and Suga stand up from the grass. "Sure!" Koushi says. I nod my head in agreement. He gives a thumbs up before heading to the next group of seniors on the field. I grab Suga's hand and we make our way to the fire pit.

When we get there students are standing around a huge bonfire. I could practically feel the heat from 20 feet away. Suga and I look at each other with excitement before making our way to a group of 20 people. Most of our friends are in that group.

I leave Suga's side to talk to Iwaizumi, Bokuto, and Ojiro. We became friends after Sophomore year. They're great people. Super popular too. They're some of the few that know what happened between my old trio.

Once everyone arrived we made s'mores, sang campfire songs, played around the fire, and just conversed. We stayed for about an hour and a half till there was 10 minutes till curfew. Camp counselors extinguished the fire and we all made our way to our cabins. I said my goodbyes to everyone before walking inside the Turtle-Back cabin.

Matsukawa was already inside, listening to music. He's really quiet. Which is a nice change. Semi isn't ever here, but Kuroo talks. A lot. Usually to himself about some random nerd stuff, but it's still a lot. And he seems to have a lot of questions about literally everything. Still a nice guy though.

"Hey." I say. Matsukawa just nods my way, not even glancing from his book. He's been reading a book called "Caraval" or something. I don't know. I don't like reading much, unless I really get into the book.

I lay on my bed as Kuroo entered. He's quiet, shockingly. Probably tired from the bonfire. He flops on his bed, face down. All of our bags are packed and neatly tucked under our bed. Even Semi's. Though, he never really unpacked his. Besides his guitar. Shocked, he didn't play it at the bonfire.

I hear the door open and see Semi walking in. He looks exhausted. Compared to everyone else, he looks dead. His fault for staying out so late. Still surprised he hasn't been caught yet.

I check the clock and realize it's only 9:58. He's here on time? Is he leaving? As i think that i notice him grab his phone, but he hesitates. Or, more of, he wobbles. He really does look exhausted. I stand up.

"Hey. Maybe it's best if you just sleep tonight." I place a hand on his shoulder trying to stabilize him. He immediately shakes my hand off.

"I'm fine." Without another word he stumbles out the door. Something is wrong. I look over at Kuroo, Matsukawa already asleep. Kuroo nods at me and gets out of his bed. We both hurriedly put on our shoes, grab our phones for light and rush out the door.

We look around in every direction till Kuroo spots Semi walking towards the hiking trail we hiked 3 days ago. We start jogging towards it, making sure not to make too much sound and alert the teachers. We can't get caught doing this.

I turn on my flashlight and we follow Semi down the trail. After 5 minutes of walking we noticed him stop. He places his hands on his knees and breathes in deeply. Shit. i was about to run out and help him but was cut short.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Me and Kuroo both jump back to see Matsukawa hiding behind the bush next to us.

"What the hell Matsukawa! You scared the crap outta me!" I whispered. He shrugs his shoulders but doesn't break eye contact. It's actually the first time i've seen him hold eye contact.

"We're watching Semi to make sure he's ok. He was stumbling while walking into the cabin."

"Maybe he's drunk." Matsukawa suggests.

"No. he's not. He hates drinking."

"Isn't he like some bad boy or something?"

"Yeah I guess. But I know he'd never drink ok?"


That's the most I've ever heard Matsukawa talk. Like, ever. I look forward again to notice Semi started walking up the trail. I tug Kuroo, and now apparently Matsukawa, arm and we continue to follow him.

We follow him for a while before he cuts off the trail, heading away from the safety of the path. "What the?" We followed him some more till I had enough. This isn't safe anymore and we can't get lost.

I burst out the bushes and ran towards Semi, grabbing his arm. "What the!?"

"Semi stop!" Once he realized who I was, his scared expression hardened into a sharp glare.

"Let go Oikawa. What are you even doing!? Are you following me?"

"Yes, because your condition is not ok! You're stumbling!"

"I'm fine. Just tired. Go back to camp."

"Come with."

I didn't even realize Kuroo and Matsukawa pop up behind me. "You all followed me!?"

"Semi. Please. This isn't safe anymore."

Semi tugged his arm and continued walking. Goddammit. I ran after him, grabbing his arm again. This time he's quick to turn around and shake me off. He opens his mouth to say
something but doesn't get to it when the ground opens beneath him.

"Ah!!" Semi falls down a hole into a dark abyss, dropping his phone. "Semi!" I look down into the tunnel he fell in. I can't see anything. Even after shining my light down it. How far does this even go?

"Semi!? Shoot shoot shoot!"

Kuroo and Matsukawa run towards the hole.

"Holy shit. Is he ok!?"

"I don't know. I can't see him or hear him!"

I step closer, trying to get a closer look. "Semi!" I wait a second. "Semi! Please answer!" I wait again. I step closer. Please for the love of god, please be ok.

"I'm fine!" I hear it come up from the tunnel. Oh thank god! He's responsive. It means he's ok enough to talk and actually think. He's ok.

"Are you sure?" Kuroo, who's slightly next to me yells back.


"I'll go get he- Ah!" Before I finished my sentence I felt my heel slip and suddenly I was rolling down a dirt hole. I hit the ground. Hard. I slowly sat up and opened my eyes. Looking around I noticed Semi staring at me, wide eyes, cradling his arm. Shoot.

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