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Before we went to bed we had another speech from the camp leader, the old lady from before, and ate dinner.

During dinner I found Koushi and sat down next to him. I slumped my head between my arms, resting on the wooden table. A deep sigh escaped my throat. I could practically feel Suga smirking at me.

"Roommate problems?" he asks, almost too smugly.

"You have no idea." I picked my head up to look at him and I was right. He had his stupid smug smirk he always has when he's laughing at my misery.

"Well I can't relate. I'm rooming with Daichi Sawamura, Hanamaki Takahiro, and Aran Ojiro."

"What!? Lucky..." I slowly picked at my food with a fork.

"Oh come on. Yours can't be that bad."

I stared him dead in the eyes, stopping whatever I was doing before. "The first 2 aren't. They're random but quiet and nice. However, I might actually die with my other roommate."

"Oh yeah? Who is it? Josh Kelting-"

"Semi EIta."

Suga stops talking. He stops smirking as well. In fact his whole face falls, expressing an emotion of betrayal, hurt, or anger. Maybe all three.




We both fall into a silence. I catch Suga looking around till his eyes land on the boy. He's hanging out with a few other guys, laughing and joking around. Like we used to. Me, Suga, and him. The triple threat. Or we were. Until he decided he was too good for us and left the group to hang out with who knows who. It's also when he started calling me those royal terms like "your highness" or "majesty." He became the "bad boy" the school knows him to be.

"Just...try to ignore him. He probably isn't happy about it either."


We went back to eating and after a few minutes had a normal conversation again. We were even laughing and joking around as well. Once dinner ended we all headed back to our cabins. I was honestly surprised to see Semi there before the rest of us got there. He was sitting on his bed strumming his guitar. I noticed he left early during dinner.

He looked up at the door at me upon entering. He didn't say anything but I could see him inwardly sigh, his eyes forming downward. He puts his guitar down and stands up, slipping on his shoes.

"I thought Mrs. Jennings told you not to leave till morning. Besides, it's almost 10. You can't be out past then."

"You should know me by now, your highness. I don't tend to listen to others."

"Clearly." It came out abruptly. I didn't really realize I said it. Semi stopped putting on his shoe for a second before slipping it on and standing up. He doesn't even look at me before walking out.

"What happened between you two?" I turn towards the door to see Kuroo and Matsukawa standing there. Matsukawa walks in without a word but Kuroo stays at the door, curiosity written on his face.


"Liar. I have an amazing skill of reading people. Something clearly happened. And you clearly knew each other since you mentioned his guitar as "his guitar" not "a guitar.'"

I inwardly cringe at my mistake of words. Not a lot of people know that we knew each other. Mainly Koushi and a few other of my friends do.
"We used to be friends. That's all." I head to my bed and sit on the edge, tucking one foot under my butt while the other hangs off the ledge of the bed. Kuroo closes the door and leans against the wall.

"Ok, but what happened between you two?"

Everything. He decided that he didn't want to be friends anymore because he was "the shit" and left me and Koushi. He changed as a person and started ignoring us. Hiding stuff from us. Then up and left. Like some entitled jerk.

"Nothing. It's not any of your business." I turn my head to notice Matsukawa look down at his book. He's clearly eavesdropping. I sigh and hang my head.

"Just a friend breakup. Y'know how it goes. It just gets awkward."

Kuroo pushes off the wall and heads to his bed. "Sure. whatever you say."

The clock hits 11 and Kuroo and Matsukawa are both fast asleep. However, I can't seem to even rest. My eyes won't even close. A part of me is scared Semi hurt himself. It's dark out so no one would see him. What if he twisted his ankle or got lost. Did I even see him with a flashlight? It's been a whole hour. How has a teacher not caught him? Then again, he has a specialty with escaping the wandering eyes of teachers.

Suddenly the door opens and Semi sneaks in, looking behind him before closing the door. When he turns around he jumps back upon seeing me staring at him.

"Ah!" He holds his hand to his chest. I sit up
slightly, getting more comfortable.

"Jesus, you scared me." He takes off his shoes and pulls his bag out from under his bed. He takes out a navy blue crewneck and gray sweats. He sat down on his bed, crossing both legs and leaning against the wall behind him.

"Where'd you go for an hour?"

"Nothing. Mind your business."

"Jesus. I was just asking. Sorry for worrying and staying up for you-"

"Don't next time."

I stare at him after he cuts me off. This is what I mean. He just...changed. He used to be so giddy and weird and freaking goof. He used to laugh with me and Suga and actually have a normal conversation without being passive aggressive or a straight up jerk.

"Fine. next time, i hope the teachers or camp counselors catch you." I lay down and turn towards the wall, facing away from Semi. I just gotta ignore him for a week and have fun. I can do that. Not like I'd be in here that much anyway. I close my eyes and finally fall asleep after a few minutes. Tomorrow is a new day.

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