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It's been 20 minutes since Kuroo yelled, saying Matsukawa went to get help. 20 minutes. Either he's really slow or got lost. Did I even see him with a flashlight when he showed up? Jesus.

I look up to see Semi still cradling his arm, his head leaning against the stone wall. His eyes were closed but I could tell he wasn't asleep. His face looked to be in pain though. His eyes were squeezed shut and his jaw was tight. His wrist is probably sprained. Or worse. I can't really tell. It's too dark in here.

Suddenly dirt fell from the top of the cave and Kuroo came down after. A new spot from where me and Semi fell. He started coughing as the dust cleared.

"Really?" I heard Semi say. His eyes were open but he didn't lift his head.

"What happened to keeping watch in case someone walks past?" I ask.

"Well sorry i didn't know the ground would open under me. I was a few good feet away from where you guys fell." I looked at the hole where we fell and then where Kuroo landed. It was true. He was a good 10 feet away.

I sighed and laid my head back as well. "Let's just hope Matsukawa get's help sooner than later." Kuroo nods as he sits down more comfortably.

Not even five minutes later The ground opens behind me. I hear the dirt fall along with a person. A small yelp escaping his lips as he hits the ground. "Please don't tell me." I turn my head around and my disappointment deepens. "Dammit."

Matsukawa sits up from the ground. He definitely landed on his back. That's gotta hurt.

"Thought you were going to go get help." Matsukawa looks my way, his hand holding his head slightly. That's not good. He could be concussed.

"I was."

"Hate to break it to you, but camp is the complete opposite direction you fell from." Semi said. He finally lifted his head up from the stone wall.

"I know that." Matsukawa says through gritted teeth. "I headed the same direction we came. I thought I was on the right track until suddenly I was by this rock formation we never passed and then I just fell." His words came out kinda slurred and slow.

Semi lays his head back down on the stone wall. "So is anyone coming?" Kuroo asks next. Matsukawa shakes his head no, slowly. I stand up and walk over to him.

"How hard did you hit your head?"


I look back to the others. "Do any of you know how to check for concussions?" Luckily Kuroo raises his hand and gets up, walking over to us too. I left them to do their thing and sat back down.

After a few minutes Kuroo comes over to us, Matsukawa leaning against the wall as well. He looks me in the eyes and nods. Definitely concussed. Great. Suddenly I hear Semi grunting and look at him to see him standing up.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm not just gonna stay stuck here when there's more to this cave. Maybe there's a way out."

"I wouldn't be so sure. I don't hear any running water or feel any breezes. I'm pretty sure we're stuck."

"Well I'm checking it out anyway." He started walking. He had a slight limp. How hard did he fall? I thought he only hurt his wrist. He's always been the type to under exaggerate things.

I stand up and rush towards Semi's side. "You can't stop me on this Oikawa."

"I know. You're a stubborn jerk." Semi glares at me. I hold my hands up in a mocking defense. "Just saying. I'm going with you. Can't have you getting any more hurt than you already are."

"I'm fine."

"Sure you are."

I heard rustling and saw Kuroo and Matsukawa stand up and walk towards us. "What are you guys doing?"

"Going with. Gotta make sure the children don't bicker and fall into another cave." I roll my eyes and lock onto Matsukawa.

"You should stay. It's probably-"

"I'm going." I would normally argue but he had some sort of look and I kind of just knew it was pointless to talk back. He wouldn't budge.

"Fine. Let's go."

We all started walking down the cave, Kuroo holding the only source of light he have. His phone. Semi dropped his when he fell, I lost mine somewhere on the cave floors and gave up looking for it. I don't think Matsukawa brought his. So we all are kind of counting on Kuroo. Good thing he came.

We walked for what felt like hours. It should be at least 3 am by now. Someone should notice we're missing by morning. Suga would notice. I ate breakfast with him everyday. He would notice when I didn't show up so he would go to my cabin. When he realizes none of us are there he'll know something is wrong. That's when everyone will start searching for us. Then we'll be saved. Easy peasy.

My thoughts were interrupted when I bumped into Semi. He turned around. His eyes said "watch it." I roll my eyes and look forward, confused on the abrupt stop. It was a dead end. Just a stone wall. Dang it.

I heard Semi and Matsukawa both sigh as they sat down. Probably for the best. They need assistance the most. Sprained or maybe broken wrist, possible hip injury, and a concussion. Not the easiest things to have while walking down a dark cave.

I sat down next to Matsukawa, giving Semi his space. Kuroo didn't sit though. He propped his phone on a rock and walked towards the wall blocking off any path behind it.

"What are you doing?"

Kuroo put his hand on the wall. His eyes semi lit up. "It's wet." We all look up at him.

"Ok? So what?"

"It means there's humidity. There's moisture leaking in through somewhere. Which means-"

"There's a way out." I finished, my eyes lighting up as well. I stand up, along with the others and head towards Kuroo. "What's the game plan?"

"Feel the walls. The ground. Anything. If anything is just slightly loose or off, call us over." We nod and start feeling the wall. Everything our hands could touch. Kuroo was right. It was moist. The water droplets running through my fingers. We're so close. I could feel it.

That's when I hear Matsukawa's voice. And bright light coming from behind shining in the walls. Illuminating the water. We al turn around to see Matsukawa slightly backing away from a now glowing wall. 4 distinct colors shining the brightest. Red, purple, and two shades of blue.

The light brightened to a light I couldn't see. I covered my arms over my eyes. Then everything went white. Then black. Then numb.

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