[Chapter Two: A Fateful Encounter]

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A/N: Thank you so much @ShaunathanBleach for giving me permission to incorporate your artwork titled Early Tendril Piece into this chapter!!! It really means so much to me that I can finally give readers a visual concept on a certain detail in the chapter that couldn't be fully expressed through words.

Shota Aizawa might as well have starred in The Mummy.

He had just been discharged from Central Hospital after the incident at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Other than being unable to move underneath the layers upon layers of bandages covering his injuries, he was feeling as miserable as ever.

Instead of hailing a taxi like he wanted to, Aizawa decided to walk, much to the staff's dismay. He couldn't explain it, but there was a peculiar feeling brewing inside him. Whether it was good or bad, he had no idea. All things considered though, it was a beautiful day outside, so who was he to waste it?

Unfortunately, what would have been a relaxing stroll however, turned out to be unnecessarily strenuous for the pro hero. Just as Shota was leaving the facility, he was immediately greeted by his former classmate who was armed with a change of his clothes in his arms. Apparently, the hospital had secretly requested the blond to help escort Aizawa home, much to his dismay.

"Hey, Shota. What are your thoughts on the upcoming Sports Festival?" the Voice Hero asked as they walked down the busy street.

"I honestly don't care," he grumbled. "Regardless if it goes on or not, we definitely need to strengthen security protocols."

"I'm with you, Mummy Man!" the blond agreed, waving his two finger guns at him. Aizawa groaned.

"You exhaus-"

Before the Erasure hero could even finish his statement, they were interrupted by an ear-piercing scream erupting just two blocks away. A knowing glance was shared between the two before they rushed to the scene, weaving in and out of the crowds of fleeing people. There were four of them, each carrying a bag filled with what they assumed to be stolen goods as they rushed out of the local convenience store.

Unfortunately, what the four had anticipated to be a fail-safe plan abruptly took a turn for the worst as they rushed head first, straight into the path of the approaching pro heroes. Before they could even comprehend their situation, two of the thieves were promptly knocked out: one of them clotheslined straight into one of Eraser Head's cast-covered arms, the other with a quick kick to the face by Present Mic. With the help of Aizawa's binding cloth, the two were able to apprehend the crooks.

"Hizashi, stay back and call the police. I'll handle the others," Shota called, chasing after the others.

"Alright, but don't strain yourself too much! YOU'RE STILL HEALING!!!"

Fortunately it wasn't too difficult for the pro hero to locate the last two, thanks mostly to the long line of people calling out as they were being shoved out of the way.

Within a few minutes, Aizawa was able to catch up, now only a mere block's distance away. The criminals glanced behind them as if sensing the steadily approaching presence closing in, cursing when their eyes honed in on the hero sprinting after them.

Aizawa's eyes widened as he barely managed to leap over a group of citizens that were shoved in his path. After stopping to make sure no one had received any serious injuries and that everyone was properly taken care of, the Erasure hero turned to continue his pursuit.

With the amount of things they stole, I doubt they'd gotten very far...

Aizawa huffed annoyedly. Had he not been burdened by the overwhelming layers of bandages weighing him down, he may have been able to reach the culprits sooner; unfortunately, it was still midday, and he was sweating buckets. I need to take a break...

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