[Chapter Three: Invitation]

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U.A. High School?

[M/n] stared back at the pro heroes, tilting his head to the side in confusion. The two blinked in surprise, clearly baffled that this kid had never heard of the renowned hero academy. Regardless of their opinions, they started to educate the masked teen on the matter, first explaining about how they were both teachers at said campus.

The bandaged, black-haired man introduced himself as Shota Aizawa, also known as the "Erasure Hero: Eraser Head," according to his blond compatriot. He was one of the homeroom teachers at U.A.

"And I'm Hizashi Yamada, one of the English teachers. Though you may know me as the 'Voice Hero: Present Mic,'" he boasted with a hand to his chest. Aizawa rolled his eyes, not even bothering to stop his obnoxious associate, knowing that it would only encourage him further. Turning away from his obnoxious colleague, the Erasure Hero refocused his attention back to the young foreigner and continued on with his explanation.

Unbeknownst to the teachers was the fact that the masked individual - though seemingly uninformed and innocent - was not what they had actually perceived him to be. Had there not been a mask to hide his face, the pro heroes would have been able to see the slight smirk etched across his features. [M/n] had already known about everything they had told him so far, as well as what they had NOT disclosed to him. From historical documents to personal information - including the real names AND aliases of the entire faculty board at U.A., as well as their quirks - [M/n] knew it all.

Truth be told, he didn't really have an option to refuse, as he was forced to memorize each and every piece of information - no matter how seemingly insignificant - all courtesy of the extensive list of worldwide connections Catalyst had at their disposal.

"...so that's pretty much the basis of who we are and what we do. Do you have any questions?"

Taking only a second to recover, [M/n] quickly nodded and held his hands up to sign, only to remember that they couldn't understand the unspoken language. Breathing out a sigh of displeasure, the masked youth reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notepad and pen. The sound of scratching was the only thing breaking the silence as he struggled to write with his glove-encased hands. After a few seconds, [M/n] held the pad for them to read. The two crowded around the paper, which read:

Is it even possible for me to enroll though? I mean, I'm pretty sure I've missed the deadline. On top of that, I'm not from this country and you don't even know me.

Aizawa shook his head as he read the note.

"Though I didn't see the whole thing, you did incapacitate not one, but TWO villains. You even went so far as to tend any serious wounds that they received," the ebony-haired teacher pointed out. "And those-"

"-are the qualities of a hero," Present Mic finished. "Assuming you want to be one, that is."

[M/n] froze at those words. 'Me, a hero? They must be joking...right?' he thought, looking between the two. A knowing look passed between the two teachers as the two glanced at each other, seeming to share similar thoughts. After an unspoken conversation was exchanged, both adults returned to their previous disposition before addressing the teen again.

"So...what do you say?"

The youth snapped his head up and instantly nodded. Yamada chuckled at the enthusiastic response before gesturing for the pen and pad of paper, which the boy reluctantly gave.

"Here is my number, as well as Eraser's. If you could get your folks to call, that'd be great! In the meantime, we'll bring this up to Principal Nezu and see if we can get things settled," Yamada briefed, handing back the inked paper and pen.

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