[Chapter Five: First Day] Part Two

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The bulky loomed over the masked [M/n] like a ferocious lion towering over a trembling chihuahua. "The teachers and I have a few things we need to discuss with you," he said.

Oh fuck. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked.

"...about your quirk, specifically."

Iiiiiii'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked.

"Don't worry, [L/n]! You're not in trouble," Cementoss interjected.


I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked.

I'm so very fucked. I-

"Can you NOT terrify my student, please?" Everyone looked over to see Aizawa casually leaning against the gym door.

"Er- Greetings, Aizawa. I didn't see you there!" All Might sweatdropped as the ebony-haired teacher approached them. "We were just trying to calmly explain to Young [L/n] here, the reason as to why-"

"I don't need the details. Let's just get down to business," the Erasure hero sighed before focusing his attention back to his newest student. "Look, the reason why we're gathered here [L/n], is to understand more about you and your quirk. Contrary to what All Might was insinuating, we will be having you complete a quick benchmark to test your physical capabilities, as well as how well you utilize your quirk. Do you have any questions?" [M/n] shook his head.

"Then let's get started."

Overall, the physical evaluation went pretty well, if [M/n] could say so himself. No matter what trials they threw at him, [M/n] could always feel their unrelenting gazes fixed on him. Thankfully, all he had to do now was complete the final portion of the benchmark...

"For your quirk assessment, we will be having you face off against Ectoplasm's clones," Cementoss explained. "Now, since no one knows your limits better than you yourself, how many would you like to handle?" The masked teen tilted his head in thought. What is the maximum amount of clones that you can produce, Ectoplasm-sensei?

Said hero looked at him. "Around thirty. Why do you ask?" Ectoplasm responded. I would like to fight fifteen, if you don't mind, [M/n] signed. Don't want to blow my cover just yet.

"Half of them?" All Might remarked in shock. An ominous quiet settled over the room as the teachers stared down at the masked youth."Are you sure?" Aizawa questioned. The boy nodded.

Without another word, [M/n] made his way towards a large open space, stopping just about where the center of the gymnasium was. Ectoplasm took his position a good distance away. "Are you certain that you want to face all fifteen?" the Clone-quirked teacher asked, receiving a nod. "Very well then."

It was clear that everyone was watching his reaction as Ectoplasm regurgitated a large mass of luminescent fluid from his mouth. Despite the growing circle of enemies materializing around him, [M/n] seemed to be unfazed. By the time that all clones were created, Ectoplasm made his way to the other teachers, who had gathered towards the edge of the gym wall. A massive column erupted from the gym floor, lifting the four instructors up several feet in the air.

"ARE YOU READY, YOUNG [L/n]?" All Might called out. The boy nodded. "ALRIGHT, YOU MAY BEGIN!"

Underneath the mask, [M/n]'s eyes closed as a group of clones dashed towards him. Since there's sure to be cameras watching on top of the other heroes in the room, I'll use only an eighth of my power. As long as I don't ruin my gym uniform and gauntlets, I should be fine.

Abomination II [Boku no Hero Academia x Male Reader OC]Where stories live. Discover now