Oh man Walburga, why can't you just shut up?

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It was a pretty normal evening considering it was a day before christmas in the Potter household.
The three ghosts, James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, sat on a table in one of the many rooms of Grimmauld place. The three decided to visit their family this year instead of staying at Hogwarts and scaring the remaining kids who stayed for christmas.
Since the war was over, the three Marauders decided to live in Hogwarts in their afterlife. But right now they thought of anything but the war. James and Sirius had quite a serious (;3) game of Rock, Paper, Scissors while Remus was commentator.                                                                                                    
"And here we have yet again another of our Rock, Paper, Scissors competitions. Staring today Sirius Black and James Potter, let's leave out the middle names for now."                                                                            While this happened something took place and the room next to them. It was one of just a few that the Potters haven't managed to clean from dark magic yet. But this room in particular dripped from dark magic in it's walls. It was the old study of Walburga Black. The room was gloomy and dark but in a corner you could see something shining. Something gold and misterious almost like a-

"Dinners ready!" shouted Ginny through the house almost as loud as the old picture of Walburga in the halls if, as she would say, a mudblood dared to step into the house. Obviously Harry decided to take the picture off the wall the moment he started to live here. The three ghosts decided to end their round of RPS wich ended in 4/7 for James leaving Sirius moppy. 


"So are ya exited for christmas yet?" Sirius asked his namesake exited. "Well obviously. I hope to get a new broom, right Dad?" James exclaimed just as exited. "What? Oh sure, a new broom..." Harry stared dumbfounded at the two while his father started cackling. Ginny just shook her head. "Who said you would get a new broom James? I certainly didn't."

"But Moooommm. Thats the only thing i've wished for this year."

"You mean besides the whole new collection of  WWW. Why do you even want that for christmas from me? You schould ask your uncle there."

The bantering continued like this and after a while they heard a knock on the door. Harry went to see who it was, followed by the three ghosts. In front of the door stood none other than Teddy Lupin. As Harry opened the door Teddy slung his arms around his godfather. "Merry Christmas Harry!"

"Teddy! What are you doing here? Christmas is tomorrow." Harry said with a wide smile on his face. "Just wanted to look in earlier."                                                                                                                                                                  Behind Harry stood a grinning Sirius and James and a very proud looking Remus. The former Werewolf hadn't seen his Son in a while since he took a month off of schoolwork to gather some more experience. 

"Wotcher mini Moony. How are you doing?"

"Dad!" Teddy practically jumped at his father. This was only possible because Remus looked into some magic so his body would become permanent while someone touched him. "So you decided not to tell me you would come over for christmas?"

"Sorry there mini Moons but we just decided that a week ago." said Sirius as he wrapped an arm around Remus.

"Well then let's go back to dinner."

Later that evening after dinner and a lot of talking the three Marauders where left a bit bored, seeing as they couldn't do anything to help clean up they decided to take a look around the house. Sirius was amazed at how clean the whole house looked, but ofc it didn't take them long to find that one room that was still dark and gloomy. As the ghosts stepped into the old study all of them felt suddenly colder and that schouln't have been possible as they are ghosts. But the darkness seemend to take it's toll even on non living beings. Of course that didn't stop them from noticing a shiny thing in a corner of the room. James made a move to touch it but Remus cought his hand. "We don't know what that is so we shouln't touch it."

"But I'm dead. I schouln't even be able to touch it."

"Yes, but I can sense it's a pretty dark object so not even ghosts schould touch whatever it is." Remus then made a move to look at the shimmering thing closer. Little did he know that that was a really bad idea, because just as he got closer Sirius tripped over a kneeling James and landed on Remus whose body made a full move in the direction of the golden item. The object which now that it was falling to the floor looked like a necklace, alarmed the three. "Shit that looks like a time turner!" But they didn't have long to think because golden smoke, which was actually sand, started to rise and swirl around them and before they knew what was happening they disappeared, leaving a broken time turner behind. The ghosts reappeared in the same room but fell through the floor in the hectic situation and landed downstairs, next thing they noticed where shouts they've sworn to never hear again. 


Little did they know they weren't in 2021 anymore.

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