So You Solemnly Swear Your Up To No Good?

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Hello people of the internet! This is my first Harry Potter fanfiction. I love time travel (so if you have storys for me please tell me) and the marauders. But there was never a story where their future selves would go to the past. Well their ghost selves. So here you have this  Could be a bit short but worth it! (I hope)

I don't own any of the characters used they belong to J.K. Rowling. I only own the plot of this story.

ok you remember when i said i already wrote the whole story? that was sadly a lie. i'm trying to write the ending now because i also just realised that dumbledore wouldn't even contact the ministry in 1995, so yeah trying to make this better. wish me luck

Ghosts and Time Travel?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant