1995? Oh you can't be Sirius

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Walburgas shouting continued as the Marauders recovered from their fall. Looking around they immediately realised that the whole house seemed darker again. It was almost like before Harry moved in. But before they could think of that a bit more someone else started shouting.

"Goddammit why the hell are you shouting huh? Just shut up already." said someone as they shut the curtains of Walburgas picture. The voice sounded utterly familiar but kind of younger too. The next thing they heard where hushed wispers they couln't make out. The three ghosts moved to stay closer to each other as they faced the door. Sirius was starting to get nervous, James started to think of why Walburga even noticed them while Remus slightly started to panic because of that voice. But before anything else happened the door swung open and several wands where pointed at them.

"Who are- wait, YOURE GHOSTS?!"

In the doorframe stood none other than Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody and Arthur Weasley. While Sirius and Remus looked practically the same, Arthur looked way younger and not to mention that Mad Eye was dead!

"What the hell are ghosts doing in my house? Who even are you?!"

James was the first to recover as he didn't just meet his younger self. "Well dear old Pads you prolly wonder who we are but isn't that obvious?" he said fake offended, putting a hand to his heart. The very much alive Sirius needed a moment to process what just happened before getting back to his defensive mode. "You can look like him, but you are not him! So tell me who the hell you really are!"

Arthur decided that now was a good moment to break this awkward sitiuation. "Now why don't we take this to the dining room so they explain that to the others as well, ok Sirius?"obviously Sirius wasn't ok with that idea but gave in anyway. "Ok fine. But I kill them, or well, kill them again if their death eaters!"

And so they went to go to the dining room. The three ghosts went straight through the wall and that scared the living shit out of the remaining people in the dining room. Ginny and Molly started screaming and Ron made a quick move to the opposite site of the room while everyone else stared. The ghosts started howling with laughter and were trying to recover when the other people arrived. The younger Remus raised an eyebrow at them. "Sirius who are they?" it was Harry who spoke up. Sirius couldn't really answer him because he didn't even know himself. "I have no idea Harry but they wanted to tell us, right?" he wanted to add 'weird ghosts' but didn't.

(Here's a little note yall. I'm gonna refer to the ghost versions of Remus and Sirius as G.Remus and G.Sirius for Ghost and the younger versions just their name. James doesn't have a past self so he'll be just James, James-Not-Having-A-Past-Self-Potter.)

"Yes, yes of course we answer your questions. Is everyone who should know about this present here? I mean some people shouldn't know but-" G.Sirius got cut off by G.Remus. "Would you stop already Pads!" he wisper shouted hoping no one heard him. But of couse this action was noticed by the people in the room so G.Remus smiled awkwardly. "Well um why don't we start with introductions then. Who wants to go first?"

Sirius looked him dead in the eye. "Why ask who should go first if we want to know who you are? one of you ghosts, go ahead." G.Sirius took this as his sign to just introduce himself first. "Well I'm pretty sure it's obvious who I and my friends are but you all seem to be blind. Must have been the bright light of a patronus huh? My names Sirius Orion Black! Let's not mix me and my handsome but right now arrogant past self up and call me Pads. Who wants to go next?" 

G.Remus facepalmed, James started laughing histarically while G.Sirius looked at him with a mocked hurt expression while everyone else stared unbelieving at the ghosts. Sirius spoke up. "You can't be serious right now!"

"No I am. So are you." James couldn't stop laughing and this sentence only made it worse. G.Remus looked at G.Sirius as if he just hit his head somewhere. So Harry decided to talk. " But how is that possible? If youre a ghost does that mean your dead? And who are the other two? Is that Remus and- and my dad?!" Harrys rambling didn't exactly stop and G.Sirius didn't know what to do. Just as he was about to move a very familiar voice came from the door frame.

"Now. Who would like to explain this to me?"


Yes it was Dumbledore standing in the door frame looking as amused as always. James stopped laughing and G.Remus looked up from his hands. Dumbledore looked at them as if he already knew but played innocent as he walked into the room. "Now. Who may you be? You seem familiar but seeing as your ghosts some things didn't go so well did they?" Sirius gave him a look his supposed to be future self copied. "Now, why don't we start again. Who are you and which year are you from? Maybe also tell us how you got here." 

Before G.Srius could say something stupid again G.Remus spoke up. "We're from 2021 Sir. I'm Remus Lupin. This is Sirius Black as he already said." While pointing at G.Sirus. "And this is James Potter." pointing at James, Sirius and Remus gasped in shock. Harry also looked quite shaken. "We where at grimmauld place for christmas because Harry lives here in the future. After dinner we looked around and stepped into the study of Walburga. Lets just say we found something there, accidentally broke it and we got sent to the past. It's 1995 I assume?"

Dumbledore took a moment to take in the information before answering. "Yes it's 1995. If I may ask, what exactly did you 'accidentally' break?" G.Sirius looked sheepish at James who also looked quite ashamed. "Well thats rather complicated. It was-" "IT WAS A TIME TURNER!" G.Sirius slapped a hand over his mouth. G.Remus gave him a look. Dumbledore looked amused again. "Thats good to know. I will contact the ministry. Maybe they can help you get back. Now, could you tell me how you died.  I already know misters Potters fate but you two are still alive right now aren't you?" Sirius and Remus shared a concerned look.

"Sir I don't think we should tell you that even if you obliviate everyone here. It's too dangerous to mess with time. I mean we shouldn't even be here in the first place." G.Remus answered Dumbledore. "Who's fault is it that your here?"

Of course James couln't keep his mouth shut. "It was actually Moony's fault."

"WHAT?! It wasn't my fault! It was certainly yours for kneeling down like that!"

"I was looking for interesting things." 

"On the floor. Well then it's Pads fault!"

"No way it's my fault now! Prongs was in the way so I tripped"

"Haha yeah, of course it's Prongs fault you tripped. What a great excuse you got there Pads."

"It's not an excuse, if Prongs wouln't have kneeled there I wouldn't have tripped."

"Oh so now it's my fault again? You damn old hound!" with that James swung himself on top of G.Sirius. G.Remus looked like he wanted to do the same. And so the Order had to watch three ghosts wrestle in the dining room of grimmauld. Until Molly started to shout at them to stop and to get themselfs together. "Just what is wrong with you? I see you haven't changed much in the future." Dumbledore decided to take the word from here again. "So to sum this up, James kneeled on the floor, Sirius didn't see him so he tripped over James and then crashed into Remus who landed on the time turner that then fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Am I correct?"

The three ghosts looked kinda defeated after Mollys rightfull shout as to not fight in the dining room or fight at all and after Dumbledore's confirmation how their little travel to the past went. All three of them said, "Yes Dumbledore." and thats when questions started and Dumbledore made his disappearance.

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