Higher than expected

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Staring out of windows everyday, and repeating things over and over again get tiring. Most 'humans' would go out and have fun with their friends, but i don't have any. How could I possibly not have any friends? I'm the most funny person you'd ever come across! My thoughts were interrupted by some glowing figure entering my room. Is that..%#^##^?! What is she doing here? How could she possibly...

"Came to say hi quickly, I had the feeling you missed me." She said as she winked. "Alright alright you got me. Come sit down." I told her. She came to me and started asking questions like: do you like anyone? How has it been? Are you comfortable in your human body? Is the butler hot? Useless questions.

"How about we make a trip to the moon?" She suggested. A trip? To the MOON? Well that surely is exciting. I agreed and we soon started floating, making sure Sebastian didn't see us. Once we had finally arrived to the moon, we sat down. Glancing at earth. "Such a beautiful planet dont you say?" She mentioned. "Sure is. Only it's full of chaos." I added. It was true, not only England was full of figures, but many more countries.

To be honest, In this body it feels like we're higher than expected. I should get down to earth soon. Things will get suspicious over time. As I summon a portal, I land before the manor, right outside the door. I enter through the walls, sinds no one would open it at this time, and they'd ask questions. Hmm. It's quiet, i never really realized that the night was so beautiful.

And there stood Mey-rin before me..

Little miss creator. (Black butler x reader)Where stories live. Discover now