Chapter 1- I'll kill you one day

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I squat behind the tree trying to catch my breath and hide. " He killed them," I thought to myself as I covered my mouth trying not to cry. " That boy just killed them. He cut their throat without a second thought" I think to myself as I peek around the tree seeing that I was alone as flashes of the dark elves' throats being cut open appear in my mind. I stand up as tears fall down my face. Then the next thing I knew the boy was in front of me with his sword to my throat. " Please don't kill me" I cry out as I press my back against the tree trying not to move forward, afraid of how close the blade of the sword is to my throat. One wrong move and this boy a few years older than me will end my life.

The boy looks at me for a few seconds before his eyes soften as he lowers his sword. "Run away from here and never come back to the dark elf kingdom. I have no reason to kill a crybaby little girl like you" he says as he takes a step back away from me.

I look at the boy slowly backing away from him. I look at the boy, his short curly brown hair, light brown caramel skin, and his hazel honey eyes. " I'll kill you one day," I vow to myself as I turn my back and run off into the woods. I ran as fast as I could, ignoring the scrapes and cuts against my arms from the tree branches. I hear more screams in the distance and I stop running. I look around " I'm lost." I think to myself as I look around wildly. I stand there trying to catch my breath as something flies by my face with a thud. I look at the tree shocked to see an arrow. I look towards the direction the arrow had come from and I see one of the human soldiers with another arrow pointed at me.

" Run Away '' my mind thinks over again but my body doesn't move a muscle. I stand there like a deer in headlights. The soldier smirks " Die you dark elf whore" he says as he releases the arrow. I hear the whooshing sound of the arrow cutting through the air as I put my hands up blocking my face as I close my eyes. I hear a small thud then silence as my ears twitch back and forth. I open my eyes slowly to see a demon in front of me. I look at him shocked as I see the human soldier's head in his crawls. 

 " Don't worry Little Yuki, no one will hurt you. I am a friend of your mother and father" the demon says, dropping the human soldier's head and holding his right hand out to me. " Come with me and I'll take you somewhere safe," he says as my ears twitch back and forth while my tail sways slightly as I look at his hand. I lift my hand and place it in his as he smiles while saying " I will take you away from here" he opens his large black feather wings. He flaps his wings once before taking off towards the sky. I instantly close my eyes from the pressure of launching off the ground. As the demon man flaps his wings at a steady rhythm I slowly open my eyes. I look down at the burning dark elf castle. There were fires burning everywhere and human soldiers were scattered around killing the last dark elves. I silently cry as the demon continues to fly as the scene of my fallen kingdom vanishes from my sight like a fading memory. 

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