Chapter 4- Entrance

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I stand outside the tall doors and I smirk the wind blows a few stands of my shoulder length across the side of my face. I look up at the enormous pale doors with a great pale horse with a skeleton on its back. "Death the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse," I think to myself as I push the doors open and I walk inside unafraid as I see the guards at the next door look up shocked.

"Stop Right There," One of the guards says as they hold up black swords and point them at me ready to attack. I look at the guards and smirk "What if I don't want to stop" I say as I take a step towards them and then vanish. The guards look around confused as I appear behind them both.

"Boo," I say as I punch one of the guards in the face knocking him to the floor. I look at the other guard. The guard takes a step back as he finally gets a glimpse of my face.

"You a demon but you don't smell like a demon," the guard says in horror as the truth begins to reveal itself in his mind.

I quickly round house and kick the guard knocking him out cold. I walk through the next door and enter the throne room. Not to my surprise, the throne room was full of the demon army. I stood there smiling as everyone looks at me shocked. "Damn it. I did not think this all the way through" I think to myself as I put my hands up while all the demons pull out their weapons and point them at me.

" Hey Hey Hey is that any way to treat a guest? I doubt you want to hurt little old me" I say as I smirk and take a step forward. I look towards the throne chairs and wave as I see the doctor stand up and look at me shaking his head in disappointment.

"Your Highness I am so sorry for this rude interruption but as I was saying before I have a guest who you would like to meet," the doctor said as he vanished and appeared by my side. " put your weapons down," he says causing them to do as they were told. "You will be dealt with later for your grand entrance," the doctor says as he begins to walk towards the demon king.

"Your Highness I would like you to meet Yuki," He says as I pull my hood back and smile showing my demon marks and fangs proudly. The king looks at me shocked as he stands up. He walks towards me causing his personal guards to step forward. " No," he says as tears fall down his face. "You look just as beautiful as your mother," he says as he pulls me into a hug. " I thought I lost you forever" he continues as his personal guards look at me as they take a step back shocked. 

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