Chapter 2-The Doctor

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I opened my eyes not realizing that I had fallen asleep in the arms of the demon. I moved a bit as the demon's steady wing flaps began to become less steady. " We are landing so hold on tight" He commands as he stops flapping his wings mid-air causing us to fall. I close my eyes as I feel us falling. Then out of nowhere, the demon says " Yuki you can let me go now. We are on the ground". I opened my eyes letting out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding. The demon placed me on the ground in front of a cave. I look at the cave as I walk in and sit on the ground. I watch as the demon puts up a protection spell around the cave. Then he walks in and starts to make a fire. I watch him silently as he puts rocks from inside the cave into a circle. I look at him confused as he says "Light" and the inside of the circle of rocks light itself. I look at the fire shocked as I touch the flame. My hand goes through the flame then I pull my hand back. 

"Fire doesn't burn demons," the demon said as he watched me silently. I look at him nodding as I put my hands in my lap. The demon looks at the fire and I take the chance to fully see him. He had cream-colored skin with short brown hair. He had vertical scars under both of his eyes. He also squinted a lot. The demon looks up noticing me staring at him.

" I know you have many questions. So ask away because I have some questions for you as well". The demon says as he sits on the cave floor. I look at the demon. " Who are you? How do you know my parents? What are you?" I ask the demon not to give him a chance to answer a single question.

The demon laughs slightly as I look at him. " First my name is Ezekiel, but you are never to call me that. I prefer to be called The Doctor." Ezekiel says as he looks at me. " Your parents are the only people to ever accept me. I was the one to help your mother give birth to you. Your parents made me promise if something ever happens to them that I would find you and protect you." Ezekiel says as he looks at me with sadness and determination. " For your next question I am kinda like you Yuki," Ezekiel says as he smiles weakly. " I am half demon and half angel but you are to never ever tell a soul that I am an angel. You are never to tell anyone that we a hybrids," Ezekiel says as he looks me directly in the eyes. I shift uncomfortably on the ground as his dark black eyes stare into mine.  

" I promise I won't tell a soul," I say instantly, afraid of what would happen if I did not agree. " What happened to your face," I ask the doctor after a few minutes of sitting in silence. Ezekiel looks at me and laughs slightly " Yuki how old are you? I mean every demon child knows the story of demon markings. ". I look at Ezekiel as my tail sways back and forth slowly. " I just turned twelve two days ago," I say smiling slightly as I watch Ezekiel's eyes light up.

"Well happy late birthday and no wonder you don't know about your markings, you're not old enough yet," Ezekiel says as he smiles. " Well for you being a hybrid your markings may or may not come. There has never been a creature like you, Yuki." Ezekiel says as he looks at me as his smile is replaced with a serious expression. " You are one of the rarest and most dangerous living hybrids. You are the offspring of two creatures of darkness. Never has there ever been a dark elf and a demon child." Ezekiel says as he looks at me.

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