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Hello readers welcome to this oneshot of InkMare ( dreamswap )feel free to request anything but NO smuts . It will have to be fluff,angst,lime,wholesomeness


DS Nightmare ( Lunar ) terms : He/They/She ( PREFERS MALE PRONOUNCES)

DS Dream ( Blaze ) terms : He/Him

DS Cross ( Crucifix ) terms : He/Him

DS Error ( Screen ) terms : He/Him

DS Ink ( Acrylic ) terms : He/Them

DS Blue ( Azure ) terms : He/Him                                                                                                                                                                                        DS Ani terms : Their/Them                                                                                                                                                                                                 


In this AU, pre -incident  Nightmare was bullied ( according to cannon  he was bullied but chose to fight back sometimes he gets severe injuries ) . When was 14  he was saved by a villager named Willow and she befriended Nightmare. Sadly she died at the age of 16 on her birthday which was traumatizing for Nightmare cause he saw how Willow died . When he was 19  Dream ate the apple and almost burned they're hand . So he has a small scar in they're hand. Dream forgot the fact that Nightmare is genderfluid so think that Nightmare is a male . the Justice reings are hunting down Nightmare for almost 100 and 15 years .He had many boyfriends some tried to #### they'em and some tried to sell him to Dream thank god Kevin the devil rooster stays with they'em 24/7 or else he'd had to experience "it". Cross and Error betrayed Nightmare and sided with the Jr . Cross went through a lot of depression and worse. Same with Error he still have the fear of touch but is okay with it now. Ink was experimented on for years which affected his soul a lot, so he can't feel his own emotions properly, this is the main reason he takes the vials . When Dream found him ( Ink ) he wasn't sure to have emotion because he didn't want to feel love again . Until he saw Nightmare he thought it was only an enemy and nothing else but the little did he know it was love at first sight. Over the years his soul adapted love for Nightmare. Same with Nightmare when he found out that he was in love with Ink he had panic attacks and mental breakdowns and also kept saying things like " This is not happening I'm not in love right ?!" . Basically he shared almost everytime with Error and Cross but not the traumatic parts of they're life . For Blue let's just say everything is like the cannon expect he also likes Nightmare. X Chara misses his brother but usually stay quite cuz Cross also miss Frisk . Ani follows Ink and they know Ink is in love but won't bother him since he needs to learn more about feelings ( even though Ink is an a$$hole ). Willow is a fallen angel who follows Nightmare and protects they'em since they're insomnia issue had gotten worse . He can see Ani , X Chara and Willow doesn't say a word. He knows Ani because he save Ani from danger and lso met Ani before Dream . X Chara exposed Nightmare that he can see him and warned they'em also that he would get betrayed . Nightmare lives alone at an old hideout which he never told anyone.

side characters :


X Chara

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