I'm your idiot....

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No one pov :                                                                                                                                                            

It was a lovely day outside the night sky was beautiful in the pale moonlight,small glittering stars,the nice cold wind in the snowy forest what a lovely day it is. Lunar could hardly imagine was it an illusion ? A dream ? It was so perfectly alive until someone..someone he knew came near and nearer it was a shadow of similar yet so different, it rushed towards them with a giant knife like sword . What a nightmare it is, those monstrous eyes would make a cat dead in a second the smile is the worst part . The dream he is in is actually a nightmare dead bodies surrounding them . There was a silence then he snapped out of it.'It was another nightmare god why did I even sleep it just make my head fuzzy what time is it anyways'. After he checked the time it as almost 3 a.m. the devil's hour since he isn't going to sleep anyways so he hopped out of bed and went to take a shower . Few minutes later after getting dressed he simply was going for a walk . " Where are you going this late " said a feminine voice " Going out for a walk Willow I had a nightmare so to fresh my mind I'm going out " Lunar said in a childish voice but more like a girl whose mom just gave candy thou Lunar is not a candy person nor a sweet lover . " *sigh* I'll come to then you child" Willow said jokingly " Hey! I'm not a child I'm older then you you're the child not me ! " Lunar said grumpily cause of the word 'child'." At least I'm better at singing" "Well at least I'm smarter and good at Spanish and Japanese and let's go out now no more ummmm uhh I don't know what to say " said the Negative small one ( more like a kind but stubborn teen tsuyandere ) " Oh forgot to say you're running out of supplies and only an egg and some bread are left " said Willow akwardly and teasingly which made Lunar way more mad since a meme boy/girl they're reaction was funny.
Lunar p.o.v :
' This bitch clearly didn't told me before about it and now is telling me that I've got shopping to do god why , why me I'm not planing anything today just relax and nothing else I hate my fxxking life ' . I sighed and went to check on Kevin who is sleeping right now it actually made me forget the whole scenario, I looked outside the sun was rising I wondered what time it is .I went to check it Then Kevin started cocking well at least I got my answer 6 a.m in the morning . " I thought you're going for a walk " Willow said it got me offguard " WILLOW YOU SCARED THE LIFE OUT OF ME AND WHY THE HELL YOU HAVE TO COME NOW I WOULD HAVE DIED YOU KNOW " I yelled at her god she's so annoying but she is my bestie so no regrets . I started to make my breakfast which was an egg and some toast it clearly was boring to eat but no choices I guess . I almost forgot about Kevin my baby rooster luckily Willow gave him some bread to eat . I started to head out for food supplies in the cold winter morning I shouldn't have listen to Willow but I was an idiot to impress her that I'm snow-protection a.k.a I'm cold proof . God it's so cold I think I'm gonna catch a cold . Thankfully there was grocery store near by after 40 minutes of walk I was about to go in then I saw those traitors and Acrylic coming this way they won't be able to recognize since my appearance changed a lot over the months or should I say almost a year. I heard footsteps coming towards me I tried to run but I guess it's not my lucky day." Long time no see Lunar don't you miss your 'friends' " Crucifix said which annoyed me a lot I shouted at them " Friends in my a$$ you don't deserve to be my friends anyways ! Or should I say traitors of negative " I said which only made them laugh it got me confused then I realize it's the perfect time to run. Without a second thought I started running towards the meme squad hideout it will distract them a bit . The footsteps were coming closer quickly I summon my staff, it was sharper than before , there was a tree near by so no choice I started to climb up not gonna lie it's a chase of a cat and a dog . I was close reaching the top until a branch broke and I started falling . For some reason I landed on something warm I looked up to see Blaze's right-handed man Acrylic. I felt my checks getting hot.

Acrylic p.o.v.  "

The grape started to climb the tree it was then one of the branch broke I wasn't thinking straight and fxxk the dwarf fell in my arms . It was pretty cute not gonna lie wait..... why the hell I called our own enemy cute! " Let's go back to the Jr castle and report him " Screen said firmly . " Fine but only if you keep your promise about my chocolates " Crucifix said . " What the fxxk is wrong with you can't you live without those brownies FOR ONCE Crucifix " I said rather annoyed " It's chocos not brownies " Crucifix said in a weird voice. We argued almost half of the way .  Then we started to walk( after arguing ) all the way surprisingly he( Lunar ) didn't attack or tried to escape for some reason he looked dead " Are we just gonna walk or some thing ? We can simply teleport so why walking just teleport already my feet are dying " Crucifix said whining like a child . We agreed on teleporting and reached the castle . I knocked on boss's office door " Come in " he said " We captured Lunar sir " Screen said . " Put him in the cells I'll think what to do with him and Crucifix , Screen you both are dismissed Acrylic go and keep an eye on him so that he can't escape " Blaze said in his usual voice . We obey and i headed towards the Jr. cells and basically as usual putting him in the cells from apart I can hear Finch saying ' I know you like him ' again i look down and saw a massive scar in the face .' That's why he wears the fxxking cloth to cover his face ' I thought not sure what to say . i sighed and called out to him " Yo grape get up " I said "Why should I  you a$$hole " he said " I'm letting you out and keep your mouth shut about it " I said quitely opening the cell door " Hey Acrylic " He said nervously "What-"I got interrupted by a kiss slowly I kissed back . " So are we together now " Lunar said cheerfully  breaking the kiss" Yes you idiot " I answered . He chuckle a bit and said " Better keep this a secret cause your organization is still trying to end me " Lunar sounding like a female " We'll just act like always " I said kissing him again " Idiot ...." I said " I'm your idiot " he answered

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