Chapter 7: Neurology & Astral Travel

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The Cerebrum
The brain is a fascinating thing! It may only be 2% of our body's weight but uses about 20% of our body's oxygen. It interpretes sensory information, controls motor functions, deals with intelligence and emotions. The brain generates between 12 & 25 watts of electricity, enough to power a light bulb.

Cranial rhythm
The bones of the skull "breath", a natural movement of cerebrospinal fluid throughout the cranial sacral system that causes the skull to flex and extend. The skull will flex and extend about six to fourteen times per minute. However, scientist still do not know what exactly creates this movement.

This "breath" or vibration of energy is a very subtle and slight movement, with no more then five grams of pressure with each pulse. This rhythm travels down the spinal cord, pings at the sacrum and returns to the base of the skull to relay information to the brain.

These are chemicals in our brains that control our emotions and the way our brain rewards itself. These include; adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, glutamine, noradrenaline, acetilcoline and GABA.

The endocrine system
The glands that make up this system are very small but their functions are some of the most powerful in the body. These glands help us to respond to our environment and regulate body functions. In some eastern cultures, each endocrine gland is associated with a certain chakra. It's believed that when activated, these glands can influence spiritual transformation.

Pituitary gland
Located at the base of the brain, this gland is responsible for directing the activities of all other glands. It also controls growth, blood pressure, fevers, sleep patterns and vitality.

Pineal gland
Located behind the pituitary gland, this gland is light-sensitive and takes in information based on light and rhythm. It releases melatonin that helps us sleep.

Brain waves

Delta [0.1 Hz - 4 Hz]
Deep sleep, pain relief, healing, astral projection

Theta [4 Hz - 8 Hz]
REM sleep, deep relaxation, dreams

Alpha [8 Hz - 13 Hz]
Relaxed, stress reduction, meditation

Beta [13 Hz - 30 Hz]
Focused, thinking, problem solving, active

Gamma [30+ Hz]
Peak awareness, memory recall

Astral projection
(or astral travel) is a term used to describe an out-of-body experience, where the soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside, throughout the universe.

Astral projection is for those wanting to go beyond lucid dreaming, by traveling to other realms in the dream state. Projecting one's self into the astral realms is a pretty standard and easy way to start unlocking other abilities, as almost anyone can astral travel.

You don't have to be asleep to project yourself and astral travel, that's a common myth. Some of the astral realms can only be accessed after separating yourself from the physic world and your physical body. However, one can astral project even during mediation.

Bio magnetic feid
The electrical activity that comes from certain cells in the body, creating an energetic feels around the body.

The Astral Body
Our physical body and astral body are connected by a high vibrational ray of light, known as the silver cord. The Astral Body looks exactly like our physical body, except it's in the form of light. It is believed that skilled astral travelers can change their form. The laws of physics start to brake down above the speed of light, suggesting that our astral bodies exist on another non-physical plane.

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