Chapter 4: Dinner with The Boys

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I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while being busy with homework :(

Anyway On With the Story


Well that went well didn't it. I texted him the address and I went into the kitchen to talk and watch Rachel cook dinner.


(Rachel's POV)

Cooking dinner for 6 people is very hard work. I decided to make pasta because it's quite easy and it will be able to serve enough for everyone coming.

Trent and I spoke for a while whilst I was cooking. He even offered to help out at one stage but I didn't want to be a bother and make him help me cook.

Whilst I was cooking the sauce to go on top of the pasta I heard the doorbell go. Trent then got up and decided to open the door because he knew it was the boys. I quickly hung my apron up and went over to the door to greet the boys nicely.

I went up to the door and went to shake one of the boy's hands. He was tall, tanned and had muscles with a tattoo on it. He was smoking hot if I might add.

He pulled me into a hug and told me he was more of a hugging person.

"I am Will by the way" he said.

"I'm Julian" an Italian looking boy said.

"I am Zach" a tall boy with curly hair said.

"I'm Jayden" The cute short boy said.

"I am Rachel" I stated.

They all gave me hugs and we went into the kitchen so I could finish cooking the dinner for everyone!

Once I finished chatting with all the boys and I finished up cooking as well we went into the dining room and ate the pasta I made.

"This is really good Rachel" Will said.

"Yeah I really miss homemade food!" Jayden said.

"Thanks guys I really appreciate it" I said to them.

(Will's POV)

Rachel is amazing! I think we are going to be great friends even besties I hope. I think Trent might have a thing for her cause he keeps checking her out all the time when she isn't watching.

The dinner that Rachel made was really good and I think the other guys enjoyed it as well.

When we all finished dinner Rachel picked up all the plates and put them in the dishwasher ready for her to put it on later. We all then headed out to the lounge room and started watching a movie. About halfway through the movie we heard a massive bang and Rachel screamed and jumped onto Julian.

(Julian's POV)

We were watching some movie not quite sure what it was but suddenly there was a massive bang and Rachel jumped onto me. She kinda scared me at first as I was surprised but I shifted myself and made myself a little more comfortable. The sound ended up just being thunder and then massive amounts of rain started pouring out side.

"I don't think we can get home in this weather" Trent said.

"How about you guys stay here?" Rachel asked.

"Are you sure about that?" I stated.

"Yeah that's all good I'll just get some blankets and bring them all downstairs" She said and quickly went upstairs.

(Rachel's POV)

I went upstairs and quickly got changed into my purple jumpsuit and got some blankets for all the boys.


As I said I'm sorry for the wait.

Anyway for any collective fans here is a link where you can post your collective stories:

There are some really good ones that you can read, check them out.





- Holly xx

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