Chapter 6: Fainting

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She moved and positioned herself so she could be more comfortable. We ate the popcorn and finished watching the movie before we ended up falling asleep with Rebecca still in my arms.


(Rachel's POV)

I woke up this morning with arms wrapped around my waist. I looked down and remembered that last night I fell asleep in Trent's arms! Just to put it put there I love this feeling.

I decided to just snuggle back further into his chest and listen to his heartbeat. I sound like a stalker or something hahahahahaha!

"Morning beautiful" Trent whispered in my ear.

"Good morning" I said back.

I plopped off Trent and tried to get into the kitchen which was hard because all the boys were sleeping on the mattress's.

Once I found my way I decided to make some breakfast for all the boys. I got out some pans and chopping boards and made all the boys omelets with ham and cheese. I had to cut up the ham into fine pieces so that it would be able to fit in the omelet.

"OUCH" I screamed out because I has just cut myself with the knife and blood was squirting out.

I heard all the boys run into the kitchen because they heard me yell out.

I showed them my finger and Trent ran upstairs to the bathroom and get the first aid kit.

The blood was oozing out and I think I am going to pass out. I started to get a bit light headed and soon after I did pass out.

(Will's POV)

Rachel had cut herself with the knife and I think it was pretty deep. I saw her staring at the blood in her finger and soon enough she fainted onto the floor. I wasn't quite sure if what to do so I just picked her up and moved her to the couch!

(Trent's POV)

I went upstairs to go and get the first aid kit so we could strap up her finger to stop the bleeding. I think she may need a visit to the hospital to get some stitches in as well.

I ran down the stairs and and noticed all the boys had put Rachel into the lounge room on the couch. They had moved all of the mattresses and they put them on the side out of the way.

Rachel was lying down on the couch with her eye lids closed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She passes out!" Zach replied.

I put a bandage around her finger and washed it and then we had to wait for her to wake up so we could take her to the hospital.






- Holly xx

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