Weird Dreams

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AN: Thanks to everyone who is reading this book! I'm so grateful! 

The giant chopsticks started their descent. He let out a wild scream, fiercely trying to escape the the approaching enemy but soon he felt the wooden sticks grab him by the waist and —

Scott bolted upright, taking in a shaky breath of cool air and rubbing his hands down his face. Did he just have a dream about being a noodle that was being eaten?

"What the actual hell, Hoying," he scolded himself. He obviously should not let Mitch convince him to go to Starbucks so close to bedtime but damn he was as sucker for those brown puppy dog eyes. Looking to his bedside table, Scott released a groan at the sight of the clock telling him it was only three am.

"What are you doing with your life?" Scott whispered harshly to the ceiling wishing he could just fall back to an abyss of rest that didn't include near death experiences with foreign food utensils. He splayed his limbs out in his comfortable starfish position that Mitch hated so much, closed his eyes, and tried to force himself back into slumber. The attempt was short lived as Scott seemed to not be the only one having horrible dreams. Hearing his boyfriend scream, he bolted out of bed and rushed to Mitch's bedroom door. He threw the door open and was faced with a terrified looking Mitch attempting to shake himself out of a sleepy stupor.

"Are you alright love?" Scott asked with worry as he rushed forward to place himself beside Mitch and pull the confused younger man into his arms.

"...I...was drowning" Mitch answered giving Scott a bewildered look.

"You were drowning" Scott asked with confusion.

"DROWNING. IN. COFFEE." Mitch repeated.

Scott gave Mitch one more look before bursting into uncontrollable giggling earning himself a disapproving look from the younger man.

"It's not funny!" Mitch cried indignantly giving the blonde a light shove "like you've never had a weird dream before you ass!" Scott's laughter paused only to continue at a louder decibel as he thought about the reason he was up in the first place.

"I was a noodle and I was being eaten!" Scott managed to get out between hiccups of laughter.

"Excuse me?" Mitch asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That's why I was awake for your nightmare! I woke up after having a dream I was a noodle being attacked by chopsticks!" The blonde continued cackling and after the initial shock of what his boyfriend has just told him, Mitch couldn't help but start to laugh along just as hysterically. Many minutes passed before the two men were able to even remotely begin to calm down. Scott pulled the brunette into his lap and watched as Mitch attempted to wipe away the tears he always seemed go produce when he lost his sh*t.

"No more Starbucks before bed babe," Scott announced.

Mitch gave a gasp in response, "you can't do that!" he whined.

"Too late, it's been done," said Scott.

Sighing Mitch relented mumbling a, "maybe it's for the best anyway" in response.

"But I'd happily drown in coffee every night if it meant you would come cuddle me," Mitch said looking up and giving Scott a sleepy grin. Scott grinned back before placing a gentle kiss against the tenor's lips and pulling them both down against the pillows.

"I'll cuddle with you anytime love" Scott whispered.

The two nestled further under the blankets and Mitch happily snuggled his face close to the baritone's warm chest practically purring in delight.

"Goodnight Noodle Man," Mitch whispered, managing to stay sassy at the crack of dawn.

"Sleep tight Coffee boy," Scott replied placing a final kiss on the top of Mitch's head before closing his eyes and falling into a comfortable rest with his best friend in his arms.

AN: Best superhero duo ever? I think yes. Thank you so much for reading! 

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