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AN: Hey guys so these one shots aren't exactly a book but I'd like them to be cohesive to an extent. Theo will come up here and there and most of the stories will take place "in the real world." There may be some AU later but I will always mark them as so! Also this one is short and doesn't have too much plot and I apologize! I have been super busy and IM F*CKING GOING TO THE PIECE BY PIECE TOUR AND MEETING PENTATONIX. I'm four five seconds from crying/puking.

Warmth bloomed against his cheeks as sunlight poured into the room and his mind was pushed into awareness as he realized he had most likely left the curtains open in the hotel room. They had collapsed into bed the second they had reached their room, exhausted after a particularly upbeat crowd at their most recent performance. Usually there was some sort of post show celebration but jet lag must have caught up to them this time. Mitch was particularly exhausted, the emotional distress of leaving Theo for the weekend had caused the younger man to worry non-stop. It was only a few nights but those two were rarely ever found apart. Scott found it extremely endearing and also missed Theo immensely. The sweet boy had his daddies wrapped around his small chubby fingers and probably every other member of the band as well. Scott always got a kick out of hearing Avi's deep voice rise while cooing at the young boy, the bass melting just like everyone else.

Scott was pulled from his thoughts as Mitch murmured and stirred in his sleep, shifting to bury his face deeper into the pillows, his slim back exposed to the sunshine filling the room. Scott smiled at the sight, glad to see Mitch calmer and less frantic. He turned on his side gazing at the tenor while he slumbered away peacefully. Rays of sun illuminated the brunette's back, highlighting the occasional freckle or birthmark and Scott admired the body of the man he loved so dearly. His hand stretched out and his finger tips brushed lightly against Mitch's body. He began to trace his fingers down his spine, feeling the dip of each vertebrae and the slight rise and fall of his lover's body as he dreamed. Scott sighed contentedly as his fingers continued to draw patterns across the brunette's skin. Mitch made a sound and for a moment Scott worried he had woken him but Mitch only shifted in his sleep seeming to pull himself closed to the warmth the blonde was radiating as his face nuzzled closer to his husband. Scott smiled at him, content to snuggle up against Mitch in return, cherishing the feeling and the time when he could admire the man so unapologetically. Not that he didn't admire his husband when he was awake, but he normally received a, "take a picture it will last longer" or just a, "stop it!" from him. He had seen all of this man but Mitch was still so shy when Scott kept his eyes on his face for too long. Scott hoped that never went away, he enjoyed watching the other man blush and loved knowing he still had such an effect on him after all these years. Scott's eyes trailed from Mitch messy bangs, to his perfect eyebrows, he smiled at the septum piercing the tenor had had for years now remembering how sexy he found it when Mitch first got it and how much of a sexy dad he was with it now. His eyes finally landed on Mitch's lips. These were his favorite lips he thought as he chuckled to himself. These were the same lips that helped produced the most angelic music, the same lips that still sent heat through his body, the same lips that could be incredibly gentle or extremely fierce, the same lips that knew his body maybe even better than Scott knew it himself. His heart swelled as he stared at Mitch, this was the man he had known since elementary school, the man that he had married, the man he was raising a beautiful son with, and the man he loved so completely that his heart still raced like a giddy teenager after all this time. He was brought out as his thoughts as he felt a lithe body begin to stretch and heard a yawn from the man in his arms. When his eyes came back into focus he was met with a sleepy yet gorgeous pair of silky brown eyes and a gentle smile on those delicious lips.

"Morning love," Mitch whispered.

"Morning sweetheart," Scott replied before placing a kiss against his husband's forehead.

"Starbucks?" Scott asked.

"Starbucks," Mitch answered before smirking up at Scott and saying, "Maybe Starbucks will be our always."

Scott wasted no time in grabbing a pillow from behind him and smacking Mitch with it for his cliche joke causing the man to burst into giggles and cover his face.

"No Scooter!!!!" Mitch could barely form sentences through the laughter and the two men were stayed in hysterics for minutes enjoying the morning giggly-ness. Eventually they both calmed down and started to get ready for a coffee run knowing coffee was literally the life blood of Scömìche. Scott watched Mitch pull dig through a suitcase only to decide to wear one of Scott's giant shirts. He smiled as Mitch pulled it over his head before grasping the collar of the shirt to lift it to his nose and inhale, smelling Scott's cologne, a habit he seemed to have picked up shortly after the couple started dating. Just as he had always known for years, Scott knew in that moment that he would love to wake up laughing with that man every day for the rest of his life because inside and out, Mitch was stunning, captivating Scott from the very beginning.

AN: I promise longer one shots will be here! I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you, you lovely people! 

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