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Scott woke up when he rolled to the side and realized Mitch was no longer in bed with him. It was supposed to be my turn to get up, he thought with a smile knowing Mitch could not be separated from that little boy. He looked at the clock seeing it was about 5:30 am. Guess it's going to be an earlier morning, Scott thought with a yawn. The gentle sounds over the baby monitor put him into motion as he got out of bed and walked to the room down the hall.

He entered the nursery and took a moment to look around. Mitch had said he wanted it to be "the cutest motherf*cking nursery to ever exist," and Scott would say they had accomplished that. The walls were a soft lavender because "f*ck gender barriers," Mitch had said. The maple wood crib was accompanied by Rilakkuma sheets and blankets that the men had bought on their last Japan trip and various adorable stuffed animals were placed around. The walls were adorned with decals of cute Japanese characters but Scott's favorite decoration was the picture of the couple's wedding day. Their faces glowed with happiness in that picture and Scott couldn't help but smile at the memory of the amazing day.

His eyes soon fell upon his gorgeous husband rocking their son slowly trying to calm the distressed whimpers. Mitch sensing his husband's presence, turned around still gently rocking the little bundle.

"Early morning Mommy Mitchy?" Scott asked. Mitch scrunched up his face at the nickname but sighed and gave Scott a nod.

"Theo does not want to go back to sleep and if he's anything like his daddies he's going to be stubborn about it that's for sure," Mitch said before releasing a huge yawn. Scott stepped forward wrapping his arm around Mitch's waist to lead his family into the kitchen.

"Then it is coffee time for us and bottle time for our little man," Scott announced. He leaned down to give Theo a kiss on the forehead but paused when he saw what Mitch has dressed him in, bear footie pajamas with the hood pulled up giving his son little ears.

"Are you trying to turn our son into a bear?" Scott asked. "He barely has any hair on his head and you are already trying to assign gay slang to him?" Scott asked before giggling at the indignant expression on his husband's face.

"I am not!" Mitch cried, "Just look at how f*cking adorable he looks! Oh sh*t I didn't mean to swear, I mean...I give up just give me coffee please," Mitch sighed. Scott just laughed before capturing Mitch's lips in a quick kiss.

"You're BOTH freaking adorable," Scott said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah lover boy start on coffee and breakfast while I grab a bottle," Mitch said rolling his eyes with a smile. Mitch sat at the kitchen counter with Theo and a bottle to watch as Scott prepped the coffee to their liking. A mug was soon placed in front of the brunette and he looked up from feeding Theo to give his blonde counterpart a soft thank you. Scott began to pull ingredients for breakfast out of the fridge, stopping to smile at his husband who was now cooing at their quiet content baby. The family seemed to have settled into a calm morning but that was immediately ruined when Scott managed to drop several pans in attempt to start eggs. He froze as they clattered to the floor and for a split second thought everything was okay but that second was quickly followed by the loud cry of a very unhappy baby boy. Scott looked at Mitch sheepishly only to be given the most unamused expression in return, the tenor's dark eyes giving him a piercing glare with the silent message of, are you f*cking kidding me?

"Hey baby boy it's okay, I'm sorry Daddy's a giant klutzy man-child," Mitch said as he stood up from the counter to pace as he attempted to rock Theo into a calmer state. Scott watched as Mitch walked into the nursery before turning back to the mess he had made. After cleaning everything up Scott walked towards the nursery as well hoping to help Mitch fix the mess he had accidentally made. When he stepped into the room for the second time that day, he heard Mitch beginning to hum over the cries of their son. Scott walked towards Mitch beginning to easily harmonize with the tenor like they had done for years. When Mitch looked up at him with a gorgeous smile, Scott began to softly sing the accompanying words.

I have waited a thousand years, but now that tomorrow's here,

I will shout from the mountain top, our hearts belong near

And we've traveled land and sea, our beacon the love we keep,

But when we unite, this will all have been a dream

And now we know, our hearts are strong,

Where we belong, is side by side

And so we'll hold, each other close,

And in our souls, we're standing by

The two men trailed off slowly as Theo's cries turned to whimpers and then to soft breathing as he began to close his eyes and drift off to sleep. Mitch carefully placed the sleeping boy in his crib before grabbing Scott and pulling him out of the room, closely the door quietly behind them. He turned to his husband and gave him a sleepy smile.

"Sorry for being a klutz," Scott said with a rueful smile.

"You're our klutz though," Mitch replied before burying his face in the baritone's neck placing a gentle kiss there. Mitch pulled back to give Scott a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Now give Mommy her d*mn coffee!" Mitch said as he pushed Scott towards the kitchen smacking his ass to get him moving. Scott jumped at the contact but laughed at the playfulness. Mitch gave the nursery door a final smile before following his husband to the kitchen to start getting ready for another day with his perfect family.

AN: I hope you enjoyed scömìche baby cuteness!!!

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