Park Bench

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AN: This chapter would not be complete without me mentioning that it is dedicated to fcutiesontumblr. She came into my life and quickly became such an amazing friend and I couldn't be more grateful. Love you babe. 

Mitch sighed and dropped his head into his hands, massaging his temples in attempt to get rid of the headache that was forming. He refused to cry, especially on this ratty old park bench. He was 18 for f*cks sake, he should understand by now that people come in and out of your life all the d*mn time. But this time had been different and Mitch knew that. He had trusted Clark and Sam so much, letting them into his life, finally learning to be more open with people. He'd thought that surviving High School together would have made them friends for a long time to come but he was beginning to see that he was wrong. The three of them had bonded sophomore year over their collective hate for school. They had been practically inseparable and Mitch had loved that. They had all supported each other so much over the years, been together through heartache, family issues, loss, and everything thrown at them. They had been some of the first friends he'd opened up to about his anxiety. For months, years, they had tried to help him realize that his disorder wasn't his fault and that he was not a burden to anyone. His anxiety had been getting worse recently but they had always been there to help him. He had been confused at first when he felt them beginning to slip away but then it turned to anger. He had been so angry. He had wanted to scream at them, slap them, make them realize how much they had hurt him when they started ignoring him completely but now he was too tired to be angry. He just wanted his life back.

I wish I didn't have to write this but I feel like it wouldn't be fair if I didn't. To say we have fallen out of orbit with each other would be an understatement and I want you to know it was never my intention for that to happen. I never want you to think I wasn't trying to maintain a close friendship because I really was but after feeling like my efforts were receiving no response I wasn't sure how to continue. I guess what sparked this letter the most was graduation. I know we hadn't talked a lot recently when graduation came around but I was still really trying. I attempted to greet you at graduation but it felt like my congratulations weren't welcome. I sent a text later that evening and when I got no response I was really hurt. I meant what I said it that message. You guys will go amazing places and I am proud of everything you have and will accomplish but this is where I exit. Maybe one day we can reconnect but for now, this is goodbye, I wish you the best, Mitch.

It had taken him weeks to build up the courage to finally send them that message. His heart had pounded in his chest and had almost burst when they responded. They had wanted to talk in person. Now they were fighting for his friendship? All those weeks, those months when he so desperately needed a friend, they had ignored him. But of course Mitch had been sucked into meeting with them, desperate to give them another chance. I am such a f*cking idiot, he thought sadly. The meeting had been a disaster. The conversation had quickly been turned around on him so that Mitch could somehow be blamed for them deciding to ignore him. That's when he had had enough. He decided to stand up for himself for once in his life and told them goodbye. He left feeling empowered. Not that it makes it any easier now, he thought. Now he was sitting on a park bench all alone, wondering why he always seemed to make the sh*ttiest of friends.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and when he saw the names of his former two best friends show up on the screen, the dam finally broke. Throwing his phone onto the bench beside him, he dropped his face into his hands as the tears finally started. All the confusion, all the anger, all the sadness, and all the exhaustion that had built up in him was released in ragged, broken sobs. He had always struggled with keeping friends but they convinced him he wouldn't lose anymore, especially not them. Liars. Mitch wasn't sure how long he had been making himself into a public embarrassment but he was pulled out his misery by a large hand finding a resting place on his shaking shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Mitch heard someone ask. He looked up to see concerned blue eyes looking down at him, accompanied by a strong jaw-line, and blonde hair. Mitch was taken aback, not having been expecting a stranger to approach him and he was even more shocked when the stranger took a seat next to him on the crappy bench.

"My name is Scott," the broad blue-eyed man said. Mitch hesitated before offering up his own name.

"Are you okay? Did you just break up with your girlfriend?" Scott asked. Mitch who had been wiping tears off his cheeks, immediately looked up before bursting into hysteric laughter. Maybe I am finally losing my mind, he thought but as someone who had been called gay before he was even out, he found the question insanely hilarious. Scott looked concerned by the sudden change in Mitch's attitude. The slight fear (probably from starting to think Mitch was crazy) in those blue eyes caused Mitch to sober up and control his giggles.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to laugh I've just never had anyone think I was straight! I think my mom used to look at ultrasounds of me and go 'I'm having a gay boy'," Mitch said as his giggles finally died down. Scott seemed surprised at first but was soon let out a loud laugh causing his eyes to crinkle and Mitch to smile and join back in on the hysterics. God he's cute, the two boys unknowingly thought at the same time.

"Well so maybe it wasn't a girlfriend but I know heartbreak when I see it, what happened Mitch?" Scott asked after they had sobered up from the laughter.

Maybe is was the sincere tone of voice, maybe it was the honest look in those baby blues, or maybe it was just that this blonde was absolutely stunning, but Mitch found himself taking a deep breath before spilling everything. Scott listened attentively and Mitch was was amazed when it wasn't sympathy in those eyes but empathy. Scott didn't pity him, he understood and Mitch had never felt more willing to open up to someone before.

"...and yeah that's how you found me making a scene in a public place," Mitch said as he concluded the story. He looked down to his hands slightly nervous as to what was going to happen now but was extremely (and pleasantly) surprised when he felt two strong arms pull him into a hug. The brunette hesitated but soon found himself returning the hug, feeling safe in the broad embrace of his new acquaintance.

"You know what Mitch? F*ck em. If they can't see how incredible you are they aren't worth it. You deserve better Mitch, I know it," Scott said as he pulled out of the hug to look into Mitch's eyes.

Mitch blushed, shocked at the kind words, "but you just met me," he responded shyly.

"Yeah and it only took me 30 minutes to see how kind and great you are so Clark and Sam must be completely stupid," Scott said. Both boys blushed at the statement but their eye contact did not waiver.

" might be kind of odd," Scott started to say as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "but would you like to grab a cup of coffee? Maybe keep talking?"

Mitch felt his phone vibrate next to him and when he saw Clark calling, he sent that f*cker straight to voicemail.

"I would love to," Mitch answered with a small smile as he slid his phone into his pocket. Scott grinned and stood up before offering his hand to the brunette to pull him off the bench. The two boys began to walk out of the park, both slightly nervous but still excited to learn where this new budding relationship was going to lead them.

AN: So this chapter is based around something that happened between me and two close friends, me being Mitch in the situation. The message Mitch sent to them is a doctored version of a message I had to send. While a hot blonde did not comfort me I did have my beautiful babe comfort me and thats why she got a dedication <3 <3 <3 much love. Thank y'all for reading! I still cannot believe how many read I am getting! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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