Bonds and Broken Hearts

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Impatience got the best of me and I decided to come find my males. Entering the glade I could see both my lovers were in a very intimate position. I fought my groan at seeing both of them like that.

"Starting without me I see."

They both turned to me immediately.

Halsin smiled warmly.

Astarion’s gaze was much more intense. I could tell he'd also fed because his cheeks were flushed.

“It seems someone is a little eager today.”Halsin teased me before turning back to Astarion, raising an eyebrow at him,“We have a bit of an impatient woman.”

Astarion blushed a little before speaking in an embarrassed, almost guilty tone,“ I didn’t realise you would come to me tonight.”he seemed almost worried by my presence as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Halsin wrapped his arms around Astarion from behind,pressing a kiss to his cheek. Halsin caught my eyes and silently begged me to be gentle.

Whatever they had been discussing earlier between the pair of them had been emotionally intense and both of them seemed on edge.

I fought not to frown. I was worried about Astarion and Halsin's expression didn't offer me any comfort either.

I moved quickly over to them both.  Cupping Astarion's cheeks gently having him look at me, I told him. "I love you, I love you so much and I'm sorry for upsetting you. I asked Halsin to come find you. I want to have the night with you both if you'll let me."

I reached out for Halsin's hand as well,needing them both closer to me. Halsin squeezed my hand offering comfort.

Astarion’s face immediately softened hearing my apology.

“I am sorry as well for getting upset with you. I know you meant no harm, and I shall try to no longer doubt your love for me. I'm glad that you're here.Close your eyes a moment my love."

I obeyed him immediately,anxious about what he was going to do.

I felt as Astarion took my hand into his.He pressed something gently into my palm. My curiosity was certainly piqued.

"Astarion may I open my eyes now?" I asked him, my heart was racing with anxious energy.

I heard Halsin's deep chuckle before he spoke," Astarion stop teasing her, you know she doesn't do well being patient."

I grumbled out a half hearted protest that was met with more laughter this time from the pair of them.  Hearing Astarion laugh made tears prick the back of my eyes.

I savored the rich cadence of his voice as he told me, "Open your eyes my beauty."

I did and was met by his stunning red gaze. He had this adorable half smile on his face as he watched me,waiting to see my reaction to what he'd handed me, I guessed.

I looked down to what he'd placed in my palm. It was a silver necklace.

I gasped as I held it up so I could really see the details. I fought not to break down.  The fact he'd bought me this and wanted to give it to me now even after the fight we just had, it filled my heart with hope we could be okay.

" Do you like it? If it's not to your liking I can..."

I cut off his words pressing my mouth to his.  He moaned into my mouth before wrapping me into his arms pressing me tightly against his body.

I didn't need to look to know Halsin was smoothing his hands through my hair as Astarion tasted my mouth thoroughly.

I glanced over Astarion's shoulder to my enormous,beautiful druid.  His hazel eyes were bright. The love he had for me blazing in his eyes as he watched me being kissed. An intimate smile he wore just for me spreading on his face.

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