murder (emotional)

299 3 19

tw: a little bit of blood and all that if you couldn't tell from the title 🥰

Sierra is online


Noah is online

Noah: no kys hunny 🙄

Cody is online

Cody: wtf–

Sierra: CODYYY

Sierra: 😍


Noah: sierra drop urself xx

Cody: ^

Sierra: omg codykins!!!

Sierra: don't side with noah!!!

Sierra: he's trying to steal you from me...

Cody: back off stalker

Noah: yeah piss off

Sierra: ...

Sierra: that's it.

Sierra: I am so fucking done with this

Sierra: Noah, you have five minutes.

Sierra: be prepared.

Sierra is offline

Noah: gurl–

Cody: she thinks she's in her baddie era 😝

Noah: okay but being serious rn...

Noah: you know what she can do, right?

Noah: she's probably gonna fucking kill me.

Cody: oh shit yeah...

Cody: okay I have a plan

Cody created a group

Cody named the group 'don't let noah die :D'

Cody added Noah and Izzy

Cody: izzy hoe get online

Izzy is online

Izzy: huh what

Izzy: explain 🤨

Cody: okay if you've read the other chat then you kind of know but

Cody: bitch sierra finna kill noah

Cody: and we need to act quick

Izzy: oh okay

Cody: quickly, get to noahs house

Izzy: okay i will be there in two minutes

Cody: alright

Cody: sneak in through the back window when you get there

Noah: just knock on it and I'll open it

Izzy: alright

Cody: okay when you there both of you hide in different places

Noah: got it

Noah: okay I've let Izzy in now

Noah: we're hiding

Noah: now what?

Cody: Izzy did you bring your knife

Izzy: ofc I did

Izzy: ohhhh

Izzy: that's so smart

Cody: okay I think she's nearly there

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