balls and sex

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Izzy is online

Izzy: mannn this gc is so dead

Izzy: like its only when i come online that anyone speaks tbh

Noah is online

Noah: hunney ur not the main character ;-;

Izzy: and neither are you

Noah: who said I was?

Izzy: .

Noah: exactly.

Izzy: anyways ur so dry i want some juicy shit to happen

Noah: kys

Izzy: see what i mean

Ezekiel is online

Ezekiel: send help 😰

Izzy: what happened?

Ezekiel: harold just fucking kicked me in the balls.

Izzy: LMAO

Noah: why did he do that 😰

Ezekiel: IDK.

Harold is online


Harold: GOSH.

Noah: why are yall always together like yall rly that close?

Izzy: is it not clear that this is a pair of gays we are talking to ;-;

Harold: yk she ain't wrong...

Noah: darn

Izzy: as a gay man you should have known that

Noah: wait

Noah: hasn't this already happened before ;-;

Izzy: whar

Noah: idk nvm

Izzy: 🤯🤯🤓

Noah: kys

Ezekiel: you guys done fighting again?

Noah: ah yes lets get back to the topic of being kicked in the balls

Ezekiel: 😰

Harold: bro I didn't mean to 😰

Izzy: does it really hurt that bad?

Izzy: to be kicked in the balls.

Ezekiel: yeah it does 😰

Harold: just imagine someone shoves a fishing spear up your ass

Harold: it hurts five times more than that

Izzy: the pointy end or?

Harold: yeah the pointy end

Noah: that's one way to describe it 😶

Izzy: so if i broke into noahs house rn and kicked him in the balls–

Noah: don't even finish that sentence.

Harold: lmao

Noah: anyways what brings you gays here other than getting ur balls kicked

Ezekiel: man i wont be able to have children if i wanted to 😰

Harold: bro you can't anyhow

Ezekiel: why?

Harold: UR GAY.

Harold: GOSH

Ezekiel: oh yeah.

Izzy: you can impregnate a man while being a man tho?

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