headline: twink does crack cocaine

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Cody is online

Cody: feker feshskt

Cody: kinker

Cody: pelesad fosks

Gwen is online

Gwen: cody

Gwen: are you high

Cody: mayabd

Cody: moandmy

Cody: cliaveoras

Gwen: who did this to you

Cody: foduer bdig guays

Gwen: what

Gwen: please can someone translate

Courtney is online

Courtney: Don't worry I speak crack cocaine

Courtney: He said 'four big guys'

Gwen: MOMMY i mean courtney

Gwen: since when did you speak crack cocaine

Courtney: As a lawyer, it is in my contract that I am required to be able to speak multiple languages, including crack cocaine

Gwen: you so amazing 😍

Gwen: okay so cody who are these four big guys

Gwen: that made you do crack cocaine

Cody: twnosnt

Cody: jausten

Cody: haroskld

Cody: y dustycock

Courtney: Okay so first is Trent

Courtney: Then Justin

Courtney: Harold

Courtney: And I think Duncan?

Courtney: Why them four, I don't know

Gwen: i understand the first three but duncan?

Cody: yehak

Cody: oaksh sid bdbdjd aprvectice

Courtney: 'Yeah'

Courtney: 'Okay so band practice'

Cody: aandn djsicock araydved

Courtney: 'And Duncan arrived'

Cody: hsj ofifseds coscani tod uz

Courtney: 'He offered cocaine to us'

Cody: andjf thsi ofbers wnakted tsi

Cody: bsud naod msh

Courtney: 'And the others wanted to'

Courtney: 'But not me'

Cody: thaid dos craock thens waks haif

Courtney: 'They did crack then was high'

Cody: fockscfed mej cocj

Cody: amsk mer sneffg

Courtney: 'Forcefed me crack'

Courtney: 'Made me sniff'

Cody: thar this endo

Courtney: 'That the end'


Courtney: AND I'LL SUE HIM

Courtney: BACK TO JAIL

Cody: nahr

Cody: y nao teiandlate thso tem

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