Chapter Nine: Three At Once

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Issei laid his head back while he was trying to recover from the fight with Sairaorg. Healing back, he wouldn't like it to fight him for real in the Rating Game. Yet, it was something that he wanted to work for.

"You didn't do so bad out there." Hearing the voice, he turned to Rias and Jonas. The King walked up to him while she pulled him close to her chest. Jonas gave him a fist bump.

"You're showing off progress." The mercenary meant that and he knew what Sairaorg could do. Issei wasn't the only one who had gotten blows from the Strongest Youth.

"Thanks, Buchou, senpai. Still not what it's supposed to be." Jonas shrugged.

"You think I was born like this? We all gotta work our way up." Issei nodded while he dawned on the bottle Jonas gave him.

"I think it was something else. You were stressed." Issei shared a look with Rias while she gave him a rueful smile.

"I was worried that one-sama found out about Issei's job." Jonas wondered for a split second until he realized that Issei was doing the whole fucking job while Sirzechs would be pissed at that. The rest of the family would be disappointed.

"I hope he won't."

Jonas sat back while he scratched his cheek.

"They're gonna find out. Let's just hope that when they do, you got a good excuse ready." Issei flinched while Jonas was happy for once that he wasn't in his shoes.

"But let's save the trouble for later. We'll figure out something by then. I'm not a great schemer."

Looking at his hand, Issei realized that he had somewhere to go. His next client awaited and while the group would stay in the Underworld, they could travel back. Their entire back would be due in a few days as they would have the trip to Kyoto soon.

"Unfortunately, I would love to stay but it appears that I have one contract going." Rias had a twinkling in her eyes.

"If they are girls again, I want pictures." Kissing his master, Issei nodded to her.

"Will do, Buchou. See you later. Bye, senpai." And with that, Issei left through the magical circle.

Jonas looked at Rias as they intended to go back.

"You want to bet it's what you said?" Rolling her eyes, she knew that she would be correct.

"Yes, I just want to see pics." Jonas would be interested in those as well. He had made somewhat of a name for himself in this part of the world. It was fun to be around this place.

"Jonasavo-kun." Cursing, his head went to see Azazel running to him. Rias shared a look of pity but that was gone as Azazel wasn't alone. Raynare, in her mature form but in a leather jacket and jeans was next to him.

"What's up, sensei?" Raynare wrapped her arms around him as she let her former leader speak to him.

"We got some news. It appears that some elements have entered Kuoh. Sitri, who is still in the city, saw them enter." Jonas cocked an eyebrow while he pressed Raynare closer to him.

"So? Can't Sona deal with them? Any reason why you go for me?"

"They're human elements. They're not from the Church or other factions. Neutral. Like you. Jonas Kerevechko, the union demands you'll investigate the elements and take actions from there out. You'll be reporting to Sona."

Jonas let Raynare go and crossed his arms.

"Demand. Well, you won't have to cause you forgot one cardinal rule. No one fucks around Kuoh without my say-so. I'm going to take a look, sure. And I'll be the one who thinks what happens to those elements."

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