Chapter 8: The Beginning Road to UA

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The pro wrestling teenager looked out at the sea from Dagobah Municipal Beach. It was five in the morning; Izuku was wearing a black sweater and black sweatpants with dark shoes. The sun hadn't risen yet, but the sky was dark blue with hints of orange. After last night, he was thinking about what All Might's representative had said. He had ten months before he could take the Entrance Exam. That made the wrestler Deku think about what he'd been doing with his interest in pro wrestling.

He remembered when he was ten years old. He was scrawny and he wanted to find a place where he could learn wrestling. That's where he met Noko, who took him in. At first, he was just an errand boy, getting the gym ready for the wrestlers who were preparing for matches. That's where Izuku made the second volume of his wrestling journal about the guys Noko was working with. He saw many come and go, but they helped Izuku understand how wrestling worked. They showed him how to be a great character. How to shoot promos with such words and energy. And to show him how their quirks worked and how they used them in wrestling. So when Izuku began to train with them after finishing the errands, Noko took interest in having a quirkless preteen as a wrestler.

The promoter could see how dedicated Izuku was. Noko had never thought he would see a kid without a quirk be so passionate and willing to get himself stronger. He could see the hero otaku training hard after helping with errands and tasks to keep the promotion afloat. And it wasn't just him who saw Izuku's hard work; the other wrestlers could also see the teenager practicing moves.

After finishing school and doing his homework, Izuku would go to the gym to work out before setting up AMW. The wrestling show would entertain those who showed up. He remembered when not many people would show up. After much training, he wanted to make his debut. He asked Noko, who agreed to let him. When he told his mother about it, she was worried.

Four Years Ago

Inko said, "Izuku, you know I worry about you." She saw her son getting his stuff ready to go to the wrestling gym.

I know, Mom, but this will help me get stronger," Izuku pleaded as he picked up the gloves, knee pads, and a green tracksuit.

"But you're ten, and that Noko guy just let you wrestle?"

Izuku awkwardly chuckled how easy he got the chance to show the world how hard he trained and work.

Inko sigh before she hug her son. "I know. I just don't want my baby to get hurt. You know I worry a lot."

"Don't worry mom, I'll make you proud."

Before the quirkless wrestler in training stepped out, Inko quickly retrieved something from the house. Izuku watched as his mom ran out and showed him something she had sewn together. He would never take it for granted.

"I tried to copy your drawing... Hope you like it."

Izuku smile and gave his mother a hug. "I love it."


Izuku still wears the same mask during his wrestling matches. He has had it stitched up and cleaned after numerous times he was involved in hardcore matches, hair vs mask matches, and storylines where someone ripped his mask. No matter how many times it gets torn, he doesn't mind because the fans love the mask and have even bought mask merchandise. Of course, these are all cheap knock-offs so people can tell who's the real Deku.

Izuku chuckled at the memory of his first win in his debut match. The crowd actually cheered for him. He wasn't a kid who liked attention; he had been bullied when he was younger. But seeing people smiling, it made him confident, strong, and most importantly inspired to become a hero to save people and help the defenseless. He didn't care if he was ranked the lowest; as long as he could save and help, that's all he cared about. Still, it was good to have the skills to protect himself and others. He finished his self-training before going back home and preparing to start a new day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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