Chapter Nineteen

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I run back out of the shop in what can only be described as a panic. I don't have an elevated pulse - since I don't have a pulse at all - and there's a serious lack of adrenaline and such, but there's no other way to express the terror and anxiety I feel as I turn in a circle and look desperately for some hint as to where Jennie might be.

In the end though I know the answer. There's only one direction she would be heading. She's done as a runner.

Turning toward the main road, I take off running. I tilt my head up and breathe deeply as I charge down the road. I can smell her, the scent of warmth and vibrancy and life.

It'll make her easy to find, but the problem is that every other Corpse in a mile radius can smell her too. I've got to get to her, and fast.

I've never run so hard in my life. I tear down the road until I find the spot where her trail turns off to the north.

From there I hear her startled scream and my dead heart leaps into my throat. I barrel down the alley and the sight I find would have killed me if I wasn't already dead. There are three Corpses in total around Jennie, and Roo has her lifted up by the neck.

Without thinking, I sprint forward and punch Roo hard in the jaw. She collapses, dropping Jennie at the same time.

I turn and grab one of the Corpses around the waist and hurl her as far as I can throw her. She hits the wall and crumples. I charge at the last remaining Corpse as he bears down on Jennie, taking his legs out from underneath him.

Furious, I grab a loose pipe and bash his head in with it. I grunt - showing them what happens when you mess with my human - and then drop the pipe and turn to Jennie.

"You s-safe?" I ask.

"I'm fine," Jennie says. She hurries over and stands close to my side, visibly shaking.

When I give her a patronising look she huffs irritably. "You said a few days, Y/N. It's been a few days. I need to go home."

I want to say no. I want to remind her that it's not safe and drag her back to the house and lock her away with me there forever. She can't leave.

I can't go back to the way my life was before she was in it. I want to tell her she has to wait a little longer.

But I can't. I can't because if I don't let her leave, she's going to keep trying to run. She nearly died this time and next time I might not be quick enough to save her. I can't because at some time in the last few days I must've developed a conscience since I can't lie to her.

I care too much. I want to keep her safe, even if that means letting her go.

"'Kay," I agree reluctantly and then glance around the quiet alley suspiciously. "S-stay to-gether. Sa-afe."

A scuffling noise makes me instinctively reach out and pull Jennie behind me protectively.

Roo is shoving herself to her feet and she glances from me to Jennie and back. "Wha'?" she growls angrily.

"Jennie," I try to explain, gesturing to where she's cowering behind me and watching the interaction with awe.

"L-liv-ving," Roo says, narrowing her eyes. "E-eat."

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