Chapter Twenty eight

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Waking up is a whole new experience for me and because of that it takes me a few minutes to figure out exactly what is going on.

I blink, staring ahead at the dusty underside of a dresser where I can see a stray slipper left behind, as my brain slowly grinds back to consciousness. Why is my head so foggy?

Then the truth hits me in one dazzling moment of clarity and I roll onto my back before shoving myself into a sitting position. I was dreaming. Corpses don't dream, but I was just dreaming.

Feeling excited, I turn to wake Jennie, to tell her what happened, but the sight before me stops me up short. The bed is empty, the blankets heaped at the end of the mattress in a tangled pile.

"Jennie?" I say in alarm. I clamber awkwardly to my feet and check all over the room but there's no sign of her.

"Jennie." I raise my voice, as close to shouting as my weak vocal cords can manage, but there's no answer.

I check every room in the house but I can't find her. The bag she left on the sofa in the living room is gone and it feels like my heart has sunk into my stomach. I shoulder through the front door and all of my worst fears are confirmed. The truck is gone.

Jennie left me.

My legs quaver underneath me and I drop down to sit on the front lawn while I gather myself. I can't believe it.

After last night, after she chose to stay with me instead of going out to her people, I had thought that maybe we have something. That maybe she feels just a flicker of what I feel for her.

But it seems like maybe the Kai from my dream was right. There was no way Jennie could feel anything for me, not after I told her that I was the one who killed him. She loved him and I took him away from her.

The fact that I feel sorry about that, that I wish I could take it back just to make her happy, apparently isn't enough.

I don't blame her for leaving. Who would want to love a monster?

Standing up again, I turn and start walking back the way we came. There's no point in going on now. Jennie got the truck, she'll be safe. Who knows, she might be home already with the people who care about her. At least the ones I didn't kill. I've got no reason to keep going, so I head for home.

It's not like I've got anything else worth living for.

This is what I get for dreaming. I'm so stupid. You can't be anything you want. All I'm ever going to be is a Corpse; a vicious, dead-eyed, stumbling monster.

Like Jennie actually want to stay with me. I'm an idiot for thinking anything different. Things don't change. Things don't miraculously get better. I should just be happy with what I've got instead of hoping for the impossible

It would be better if I couldn't feel, because then at least I wouldn't have to feel like this.

𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙨Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz