Chapter Thirty seven

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Mingyu is standing guard at the entrance to the warehouse and I feel a little bit relieved to see him. Despite his intimidating appearance, he's one of the nicer guards.

When I first started going on raids he used to go along too and we got along. Then there was that Corpse attack on Haven while we were out on a raid and his sister died - not bitten but shot in the crossfire. After that he decided to stick closer to home and took up guarding the wall and training the men to have better aim.

Y/N grips my hand tighter as we walk up to Mingyu. The tall man puts out a hand, catching Jisoo in the shoulder and stopping her up short.

"You guys can't go in there," Mingyu said shortly. "Hyun-suk is handling some real emergencies there."

"Relax, Mr. Wristband," Jisoo said, shoving his hand away. "We've got our own emergency to talk to him about."

Mingyu scowls but he lets Jisoo shoulder past him. Since we live with Hyun-suk, Jisoo and I can usually get our way with just about anyone in Haven.

It's not the sort of thing we usually take advantage of but I'd consider this a worthwhile time to pull out that card.

Mingyu watches us suspiciously as we walk past him and I feel Y/N tense. "Hey," Mingyu says casually.

Y/N looks momentarily panicked before she stutters out, "H-hey."

Trying not to smile at her awkwardness, I tug her hand to get her walking again. With Jisoo at the lead, we enter the warehouse.

The inside is a hive of activity, soldiers rushing back and forth and shouting orders to each other. The three of us stay close to the edge of the walkway as people run beside us, prepping equipment as they go.

It takes me a minute to spot Hyun-suk among all the chaos but I finally find him standing near a row of humvees, rallying off orders to a cluster of the high-ranking guards.

"I don't know how he's going to react, so you'd better wait here," I told Jisoo and Y/N, we step behind a row of shelves where we're out of the way of the stampeding soldiers.

"Stay here, I'll go talk to him." I squeeze Y/N's hand one more time and then slip back around to head up to Hyun-suk.

Hyun-suk saw me out of the corner of his eye just as I'm approaching. "Jennie, now's not a good time," he says, his wheezy voice tired and exasperated. "I'm handling a situation."

I look around at the rush of soldiers and down at the map spread across the hood of the humvee in front of him, frowning at the black markings that are filling up every roadway leading toward the compound.

"Why? What's going on?" I ask.

Hyun-suk frowns, rubbing his hands together in a sign of anxiety. "There's a sizable force of Skeletons heading this way," he admits.

I glance again at the map, the realisation striking me through. Each one of those black marks is a group of Boneys, and they're all headed toward our home. Because of me.

"Hyun-suk, I need to talk to you," I said, the dangerous situation makes this all the more important.

"Now?" Hyun-suk asks pointedly, adjusting the strap of the rifle hung across his back. I saw him exchange annoyed looks with the guard member standing on the other side of the humvee hood.

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