Chapter 11: The request (part 2)

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Laxus's P.O.V

I had gathered as many people as I could find from the town and took them far away. The important thing was they were safe, like (y/n) said. I hope she's okay, I thought to myself. I better make sure she's fine. Once everyone calmed down, I was about to leave to check on (y/n) when this woman caught my attention.

"Help my child, she's missing!" The woman yelled in panic.

"Your daughter?" I asked raising a brow. " Are you sure she's not with you?"

"Yes, please save her she's still in the town. Please. Please save her." She pleaded and started tearing up.

"I will, please just stay safe here." I said running back to the town and back to (y/n).

Your P.O.V

You stepped closer to what you saw trembling squinting to try and see past the flames. As you saw through the flames you saw the form of a little girl about seven years old pressed against the walls. She seemed frightened, almost paralized in fear looking as if she was walking down that white light. You had experienced that feeling before and knew that even if she was screaming no one could hear her. Her skin was turning red as her tears evaporated from her face. As you stepped toward her the floor cracks and falls down to the floor below you. As that happened you heard a squeal from little girl. You then looked above and around you. If you didn't do something now the room would collapse on top of you and her leaving no time to escape. I have to do something and quick, you thought.

"Hey reach for my hand," you told the little girl while reaching out your hand. She didn't answer but just stood there. Frozen. "Please, take my hand I'll save you and this village. Hurry!" You told her in a tone of desperation stretching as far as you could. But all she did was stand there pressed against the walls. *crack* you heard the walls begin to crumble under the pressure. I have to hurry or we'll both die here.

The walls were beginning to crack under the heat and crumble under the pressure. Your breaths with each moment became shorter, until you began gasping for air only inhaling smoke. Your eyes then began to tear for you mostly saw clouds of smoke and ash. You still eyed the little girl, but she still didn't move. Your skin felt as if it were slowly melting from the heat. You wondered what you should do but you felt dizzy. No, I must not give up, just do something, you thought to yourself trying to move but felt your body weighing you down. 'Fine, but you're coming with me whether you like it or not' this rung in your head for a brief moment. Laxus. You thought giving you an idea of what to do. "I won't be defeated!"

Just when you yelled that the walls began to collapse. You quickly jumped over to the girl and grabbed her by the waist. You ignored the dust in your eyes, the smoke in your lungs, and the dizzy feeling keeping you trapped from doing something. Ignoring it all, you broke through one of the walls with your back and fell landing on top of another building near by one floor below. You had landed on your back as the girl laid on your chest. As you sat up your back ached while you coughing up the dust in your lungs and wiped the ash in your eyes. You had never felt so glad to breath fresh air. You looked back to the building you just escaped from seeing it completely collapsed.

"Are you okay?" You asked the little girl.

"No," she caughed out.

"What's wrong?" You asked trying to see if she was wounded.

"All of it," she answered.

"Would you-," you were cut off.

"All of it, All Of It, ALL OF IT," She burst out crying as you looked at her baffled. "None of this should've happened it's all THEIR fault!"

"Well nothing ever happens the way it should," you said looking down as she looked at you. "But I'm going to fix this."

"Wait are you that mage from that trouble maker guild, fairly odd was it or dragon tail?"

"Yes, Fairy Tail. " you corrected her.

Once you corrected her you felt something there with you on the roof.  You then tackled her getting her away from one of the monsters that was about to jump on her. " Run!" You yelled once she stood up.

"I can't, " she replied. "My leg is badly injured." She said as you quickly glanced at her left leg. It was bruised, cut, and bleeding . You only got a quick glance before you grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to you. " Hold on tight," you ordered as she hugged your chest tight. As she did you  started running on the roof tops, before you knew it there were ten monsters at your heels. "Ice floor," you yelled as you ran creating a floor of ice which caused the monsters slow down for a brief moment. The monster slipped and slided yet made their way across to you. " Ice Spears," you then yelled causing the monster to get shot by pointy painful spears in their body.

"Ah! Ow!" They all yelled and screamed in pain trying to pull out the spears from their body. You looked back quickly and glanced at what was happening but then quickly kept on running across the roofs trying to get the little girl to safety.

"No don't hurt them," the little girl yelled looking back.

" why?" You asked.

"Because their towns people who have been possessed." She answered.

"I'll try my best but.... getting you somewhere safe is more important, " you said. Now where is Laxus, he can take her. You thought looking around while you ran.

"There," you said finding him walking around on a main street.

"Where?" The little girl asked baffled.

Laxus's P.O.V

Where's (y/n) I ran through a few streets but couldn't find her. I thought worried. I hope she's okay.

"LAXUS!" I heard someone above me yell. I looked up and it was (y/n). When I looked behind her there were about twenty monsters behind her jumping down.

"What happened here?" I asked.

"No time to explain. Here," she said handing me a little girl, "take her to everyone else and make sure she's okay."


"Ah!" She yelled being pulled by the monsters behind her. "Just go I've got this." Once she said that I smirked and began running toward the other town's people.

"Hey was that your girlfriend? " the little girl cradled in my arms asked.

I blushed a bit before I answered," No." Not yet.

"Oh too bad,  you look like you'd make a perfect couple." She said while I blushed.

Here's part 2. I hope you enjoyed.  And sorry I took so long to update. XD

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