Chapter 4

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As Yeena opened the door, no one was to see. She opened the door for the living room. And yes. Her parents and brother waited for her. Yeena had panic. But she tried to be calm as possible. Her parents seemed very angry.. which made Yeena nervous. Her brother, jay, could see it and was worried. „So park Yeena your teacher called us. Because of your grade?! Park Yeena are you serious? Why are we paying for school if you even don't bring good grades!". Her father said in a loud tone." Mom,dad.. just in math I'm weak and you know that. So please I try my best and work hard but math is not my subject.". „I DONT CARE IF MATH ISNT YOUR SUBJECT YOU NEED GOOD GRADES TO BE SOMETHING GOOD IN THE FUTURE!". Her mom shouted. She snitched. She was shocked my her mother. „Mom dad, Yeena tried okay!? She is always studying,overworked and stressed! We all know she tries her best." Jay added. Yeena was calmed as she knew that her brother supports her. „PARK JAY ENOUGH! IM TALKING TO YOUR SISTER AND SHE NEEDS LESSON!" her dad screamed. „No. You need lesson father. Your daughter is literally suffering.". „I don't care. Yeena if you don't work harder YOULL FAIL YOUR WHOLE LIFE!". Her dad added. After that Yeena went to her room. She cried and cried. And cried. She couldn't handle it and took a gummy band. She always use it when she needs to calm herself. It does scars but it can go away. So no worries. She thinks. After some minutes someone knocked on her door. It was jay. „Hey sis... It's okay I'm here okay?" as he came to hug his sister. Yeena hugged back. She needed it. „Don't believe our parents Yeena. You are perfect the way you are. Remember". As these words came from his mouth, she got an Deja vu. Riki. He said the exact same thing.... She got flashbacks and again butterflies in her Stomach. But why? Just friends... or more..? No. She don't want to think about it. She continued hugging her brother. „You are so strong sis. I'm so proud. I'm sure my friends and minji also think that. So please... whenever you need someone, you know I'm here. No matter what. Yeena teared up. But the tears became more. More and more. She also was shaking. And her brother, who tried to calm her, tried to calm her done with doing breath practice. That helped. She was calmed again. „I'll leave now sis.. my friends are waiting. Band practice. But hey, you wanna come too? They would be happy to see you.". Yeena nodded and changed into some jeans and crop top with a oversized sweater. Her parents already left. They are always at work. Most of the time jay and Yeena are at home alone.

Authors speech:
Already 13 readers :) thank you so much and I hope it will grow! I hope you enjoy the new part/chapter! TBC :)

October 19/2023

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