Ch5 - Geno

632 41 4

Cookies POV

Sleep was something that your little body regularly needed, but wasn't actually used to. With so many of your nights interrupted for tests and experiments you wanted no part in, you were pleased to find yourself in a pleasant slumber, dreamless and comfortable.

You awoke slightly when whoever you were resting against had shifted a little. Barely conscious and not yet willing to open your eyes, to commit to actually waking up, you simply latched tighter to the figure. They stilled for a long moment, tensing slightly as though they had not intended to disturb your sleep.

Their second attempt, regardless of them trying to be more subtle with it, to move was met with a small groan. You nuzzled into their chest, tail flicking a little in the process. You didn't want to slip from their warm grasp. You were comfortable! You didn't want them to go yet!

A light chuckle filled the space, the stranger's chest rumbling beneath you as they did so. It was an odd sensation, but not unwelcome. "Aren't you clingy, lil one?"

The new voice was soft, but not as deep as Reaper's. You briefly wondered they might be, but were not yet awake enough to satiate that curiosity. "Staaay..." you mumbled sleepily.

"Alright, alright, we can rest a little longer, but I need to get up soon." Your eyes weren't open yet to know for sure, but you felt like they were probably smiling.

You let out a slight pur when a boney hand begun to stroke your skull. The two of you stayed like that for a while as it took some time to convince yourself to open your eyes. Blinking groggily, you gazed up to whoever held you. White orbs gazed back expectantly.

"There you are, Cookie," the stranger hummed, and you let out a slightly confused chirp. This definitely wasn't Reaper. Who were they? With how comfortable and safe you felt with his arms wrapped around you, you didn't really feel alarmed about not knowing who he was. He smelt like Reaper, and therefore, in your mind, he must have been safe.

You pouted when the figure finally pulled away. "Noooo! I was comfy!" You whined, but made no effort to cling to them this time. You couldn't cuddle forever, you knew, but that wouldn't stop you from voicing your protest at having your living pillow taken away from you.

He chuckled in response. "We can cuddle again later, okay, Cookie? I really need to look on your tail and make sure its healing alright. Is that okay with you?

Nodding at his request, you giggled a little when his phalanges tickled against your tail, seemingly unaffected by the bandages being removed. To you, the tightness had been comforting, but it was nice to let the wounds wash out a little.

No longer wrapped with seaweed, you could see the marks from where glass had torn the flesh of your tail, the surrounding scales appearing damaged. There were old wounds that seemed to have healed over, though the fresher ones were definitely more defined.

You wondered how long it had been in this place. Despite usually taking a long time to heal, your tail was actually looking far better than you remembered it being. The gashes were scarred enough that blood no longer trailed through the water, but fresh enough that they were still very sensitive.

When his hand slowly brushed against the scars, a strange viscous cream applied to them, you whimpered a little. It hadn't quite hurt, but it was uncomfortable, and you squirmed as a result. "Don't like," you whined.

"...Sorry," he mumbled as he continued. He didn't let you wriggle away as he continued, though you weren't really trying that hard anyway. "This is a type of healing salve. You shouldn't need much more, but it'll stop the bandages from irritating the scars when I wrap them back up.

Once the wounds were dressed once again, the sensitivity seemed to dull a little, the protective layer already making you a bit more comfortable. "That better?" he hummed, and you nodded.

You let your gaze wash upon the stranger, taking in his unusual appearance. The first thing you noticed was the beautiful red scarf that floated in the water, contrasting against his dull white bones. His tail was beautiful, the adorning scales pearlescent white with patches of glistening blood red.

A large chunk was missing from the side where something had seemingly bit through the flesh, and some of his tail bones stuck out at the portion; the wound didn't look at all healed, yet there was no blood or evidence of pain.

You tilted your head. "You have ouchies like me!" you practically gasped out, already moving to look closer at the tail wound. Remembering him putting the salve on your own wounds, you decided not to touch it unless you were told you could.

He shook his head. "I'm fine, Cookie, don't worry about it," he dismissed gently, moving the remainder of the seaweed to a little pile near the nest. "Its... from a long time ago. But I appreciate the concern."

You nodded, understanding. It didn't look like a scar, where a wound had healed over, but he trusted the stranger not to lie to him, so he didn't doubt it when the mer said he was fine.

"Oh, okay! Can I touch it? I wanna poke it..." You watched as his expression shifted a few times. Confusion, shock, then to a soet of nervous smile. It wasn't that weird to ask, was it?

"Er. Go ahead, I guess, just be gentle. Its sensitive."

You touched the area very gently so as to not cause any pain for the older mer. "Cool..." you let out absentmindedly, not really even noticing you had thought it out loud. After a few moments, you pulled away, grinning adorably. "You're like me!" you giggled.

He let out a hesitant sigh. "I'm a mer, not a leviathan. But, uh, I guess we are a bit similar. How do you feel?"

You didn't hesitate to respond this time, immediately knowing the answer to his question. "Safe," you confessed. "...You smell like papa."

He looked uncertain for a moment, as though he were trying to figure something out. "Can you tell me about your papa?"

"Papa is papa! He's really tall! And he's got a cool cloak! And- and- and he has a big orca tail!" you rambled, eyelights forming into stars as you rambled.

Reaper had been the first person to show you kindness, to make you feel like things were going to be okay, so even if it had never been explicitly said before now, you considered him your papa. After all, papa's keep you safe, right?

Geno laughed. "Right, of course you'd mean Reaper, how silly of me," he let out, seemingly half talking to himself. You nodded enthusiastically. "I'm Geno, his mate. I guess that makes me your papa too..?"

You shook your head, pouting. "No, you're momma," you blurt out. You couldn't have two papas! That would just be confusing! You can't call them both papa, so Geno had to be Moma instead!

"Pfft. Okay, okay, if you insist," he chuckled. He didn't particularly mind what title he was referred to as. If anything, he thought it was rather cute, and was appreciative that you had accepted him so easily.

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