Ch6 - Reef

557 42 6

Cookies POV

Excited about your new home, you moved around the nest slowly, still learning how to properly use your tails and fins now that you were not being kept confined to a small tank. You were not used to the freedom that this place provided - the freedom to move, to explore, to see so many new things!

Your tail, thankfully, did not hurt. It still had the seaweed bandages, but now you were fully awake, you realised that the heavy chains had been removed. Had papa taken them away for you? You felt so much better without them!

Geno frowned as he watched you, eye sockets narrowed as he observed your every movement. You didn't mind having an audience, too excited to explore your immediate surroundings to even notice you were being watched by him.

"Cookie, is your tail still hurting? You're swimming a little odd," he finally let out.

You were still focused on looking at the shells and other things on the floor of the cave, but still shook your head as acknowledgement you had heard. "Nuh uh!" you confirmed.

"Are you sure? You look like you're learning to use your tail for the first time..." his voice was clear with concern.

You shook your head again. "No more ouchies!" you insisted. Your tail felt fine now! Why did he keep asking? "Everything was too small before, but, but now, its all biiig, and there's water everywhere, and I can go places instead of being stuck!" you giggled adorably, doing a bit of a flip as you turned to face him.

"...So you were kept in a tank too small to even swim in," he let out in a much quieter voice. It did not sound as though he were asking a question, it was more as though he were voicing out loud something he had mostly intended to remain internal.

"Mama, can we go explore? I wanna see more! More!" you giggled, expression pleading. As fun as the nest was, there wasn't really much here aside from some smooth grey rocks, old seaweed, and remnants of eaten fish. With Geno by your side, you felt more confident exploring the open spaces of the ocean.

Geno nodded to your question, almost as though he had expected you to ask it at some point. "I guess I can take you to the reef. Its safe from predators there, and there's smaller prey you could practice hunting on," he hummed thoughtfully.

You didn't know what some of those words were. What was a reef? What was a predator? What was a prey? You were excited - you were going to learn so many new things with your new mama!

"Its a little bit of a distance away, so I want you to practice swimming like me, see? If you move your tail more like this-" he paused momentarily to demonstrate "-then you'll have an easier time getting around."

"Like this?" you let out, trying to copy the way he flicked his tail. He gave you an odd expression. Your movements were an over exaggeration of his own.

"Er... sort of? You're a lot more flexible then me, it seems," he let out thoughtfully. "You should try going a little more subtle in the tail movements, unless you're wanting to move quickly. There's no point using up all your energy if you don't meed to."

"Mama go fast?" you asked curiously, tilting your head adorably.

He chuckled. "How about this. I'll swim us both to the reef, so you can see how fast your mama can go, then you practice swimming more when you're there, okay? Sound like a plan?"

"Fast! Fast!" you chanted immediately at the offer, making grabby hands so he wouldn't forget to pick you up. Not that you needed to, though, he was already scooping you into his arms. You found yourself chirping a little, enjoying the closeness you had with your parental figure

Holding you tightly in his arms, the two of you shot from the nest rather quickly. You giggled in delight at the speed, holding onto him just as tight, grin bright with excitement. Everything looked so pretty!

You watched with star shaped eyelights as the world passed by you in a blur of blues and greys, the sights feeding your curiosity. This place was so big! It felt like it went on forever! You hoped you could stay forever, you hated the lab...

After a while, a technicolor blur of coral begun to come into view, and that was when Geno finally slowed his pace. "This is the reef, lil cookie," he hummed as he fell to an eventual halt. "Explore as much as you like, but don't wander away from the reef. You... know what a reef is, yes?"

You weren't so sure. "Do the pretty colors mean its a reef?" you asked curiously, trying to use the context of the situation to guide your answer.

He smiled, clapping his hands together "Yes! Good job, Cookie! Its a reef because the sand, rocks and coral here are closer to the surface. If you stay where all the color is, you'll have plenty to explore, and I'll know where you are," he hummed.

You grinned. His praise made you feel so warm and happy! Before he could say another word, something immediately stole your attention. A small school of fish swam through the water, unperturbed by the presence of a leviathan and a mer. Other fish darted in and out of the coral.

"Mama! Look! The fishies are moving! The fishies are moving!" you giggled, distractedly pulling from his arms to chase them around.

He laughed. "Yes, Cookie, they do that. Do you think you can catch some? You'd make papa very proud when he comes home," he let out.

You nodded enthusiastically. "Imma catch aaaall the fishiesss!" You exclaimed, and he chuckled at your enthusiasm, watching as you disappeared into the coral structures.

At first, you found it difficult to move after the fish with how quick and sporadic their movements were, but you adapted relatively quickly. After all, swimming was simply nature to mers and leviathans and the like, and you couldn't deny the instincts guiding you on how to move, on how to hunt.

It took a few tries before you were able to catch one of the fish, and you reactively went to sink your claws in, only to let out a pained whine, realeasing what you had caught instantly.

Within moments, Geno was by your side, holding you gently. "What's wrong, little Cookie? Are you hurt? What happened?" he fussed.

You shook your head, sniffling. "C-can't catch," you mumbled, clinging to your guardian in need of comfort. He rubbed your back soothingly, face still filled with worry. "They hurt, they h-hurt, I can't catch them, I'm s-sorry mama!" you cried.

"Shhhh, its okay Cookie," he whispered, pressing his teeth gently to your skull. "Can you show me where it hurts?"

You nodded and showed him your hands to indicate where it hurt. He pulled them into his own, taking a moment to examine them. He was gentle, keen eyes looking for any sign of injury.

It took him a moment to realise what was wrong, but the moment he did, he felt himself pulse with red hot anger. You whimpered, not understanding that the anger had not been directed at you, and pulled away from him, hugging yourself a little.

You made mama angry! Does mama hate you? Will mama leave you all alone now? You didn't even notice you were crying. You didn't mean to make mama mad!

"Hey, shh, sorry Cookie, I'm not upset at you, I promise," he soothed once more, pulling you tighter into his arms.

You whimpered again, not convinced by his attempt to dismiss your concerns. He let out a long sigh, patting your head in hopes to calm you where words could not.

"...I'm angry because the landwalkers filed down your claws when they shouldn't have. Its going to take a while for them to heal enough for you to hunt. I'm not mad at you, I promise, I'm mad because you were hurt and I didn't even realise," he elaborates.

You sniffled, clinging tighter. "But if I c-cant hunt, will papa be s-sad?"

He shook his head. "Not at all, Cookie... How about you find some pretty shells and rocks instead? Papa and I aren't very good at decorating our nest, but I bet you can make it look super pretty, " he hummed.

You gave a nod at his suggestion, already feeling better now that you had been offered an alternative. "T-then I'm gonna find the prettiest shells, a-and the bestest rocks!" you exclaimed determinedly.

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