❄️The Forsaken Race - The Hidden Truth❄️

122 9 5

Thoughts: once again, I'm completely 100% honest. When it comes to the prologue, it needs to be shorter the way your prologue is; it's more like a chapter. When reading it, I got lost and didn't want to continue because it felt more like a chapter than a prologue. A prologue is supposed to be short and sweet. It's just like a summary or a paragraph of what's to come. But the way you made it, it was very much a chapter. I must say that the story is fascinating. I love how she has a voice inside her head. She talks to that voice even though she tries very hard to ignore it; you can see her struggle between whether to talk to this voice or ignore it. Part of me feels like the voice is her doubt, and that's what I love about the story. I honestly feel like this story can go very far because of how it's written; it's very descriptive, creative, and something original that I've not read. At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about the story because of the prologue, which threw me off. But as you get into the story it is a phenomenal story. You can tell she wants to be like this amazing person, but she also has struggles. I love seeing stories with struggles because they show me that the character at the end of the story will develop. During this story, the character will either develop into a powerful character or will have a lot of struggles they will go through to get where they need to go. You need that, that is a fantastic thing to do because you want to start a story with that, especially if it's a story like this one. Where the character is very timid and very unsure of themselves because, at the end of the day, if you write a story where a character is super powerful, but has no weaknesses, all you're doing is writing a powerful, character that has no fears that has no sorrow that has no weakness. And you don't want to write a character like that. So, I enjoy this story. I do feel like when it comes to the cover, they could do a better cover. I feel like the cover is what's not attracting as many readers. Suppose they could find a cover or somebody to create a fantastic cover that is out of the world. I think this story would get more acknowledgment, and that's what the story needs.

Thank you for letting me review your story. 📚

🪷A. D🪷


Chapter I read: 5

Recommend yes/ no? I would recommend this book to other people just because of the way that it is and the way that it is written. I think this book could go very far, so I would recommend it.

Summary of book

"The Forsaken Race" is an anime-stylized high fantasy story, set in a chaotic original world. It explores some very fantastical themes, but an equal -if not greater- amount of dark themes. Readers, beware, some of these profane and violent themes may not be palatable to you. (Due to swearing and gore, all TFR stories have a mature rating.)In the nameless world, the Aubade Sylphs are the largest race with the most powerful kingdom. Among them is a peculiar pariah, named Kita Rein. As a deeply depressed, scarred, and troubled girl, her life has been a struggle already, and as she experiences the symptoms of utter madness, she is pushed to her breaking point. In her desperation for a cure, she follows a discreet path beyond the confines of Sybilius. However, the world beyond Sybilius is ruthless, cold, and dangerous. A pair of notorious demon masters, Leiytning and Thundur, are more than happy to prove just how worthless and feeble she really is. The answers she wants are buried in the darkest corners of this land, and finding them will take more effort than she ever imagined. Leaving her to question, can she find them before succumbing to the danger, or her own madness?

Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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