❄️Dear Myrtle Cove❄️

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Thoughts: Once again, I'm not a sucker for Aesthetics. You don't need that in your book. That takes away from what I want to do, and that's read the story. Now, on to the first prologue lock. This author has two prologues, so I take it that there are two points of view. I am not upset with that. But even scheming through the first prologue to see how it is, it's too long. Once again, I don't mean this to be completely mean, but a prologue should not be long. It's supposed to be a summary of what's to come. And so many people are writing prologues like they are chapters. They're not meant to be chapters. A prologue is meant to be just a summary of what is to come in your story, not make it feel like a chapter. And many people are making it a chapter, so when I read it, I feel like I'm reading more of a chapter than what will come in a story. Okay, I am now invested. When I'm invested, you know that's a good thing. If I'm not infested, or you do not see I'm invested, you will get a good review, so everybody knows. The prologue is long, but let me tell you, I love King. King right now is my favorite person. The way he treats her is fantastic, and the author got this part down to a perfect scene. I commend the author for this; it is beautiful, respectful, and not rushed. It is giving me very much. She has a crush on him, but he respects her, and that's what I want to see. I don't want to see this love where he's pressuring her to go. I want to see that slow love where I'm like, I need to know; I need to know more. What happened? Are they a thing? Are they not a thing? I need that type of love, and this author is bringing it.

I will say that there is one little error that needs to be edited. They grabbed a trash bag from the Kitchen. They could have put the Kitchen. I feel like the way they put it does not flow nicely; even in my head, it doesn't sound right. It feels like there should be that in there. I must say that I don't need to read anymore; I read two prologues. And the way the author has done this story is, without a doubt, an A+ in my book. I love Lincoln. He is very understanding of his sister, which you don't see much of in a story. But he is very understanding, and you can see that in his prologue you can see that he tries to keep as much as he can away from his sister so she doesn't know. So he keeps a lot of information to himself that she doesn't know about to keep her safe. He also works hard so that way he has money for himself and his sister because both parents are drunks. He knows that his sister wants that perfect life, but he also knows that the perfect life that she wants will never happen. But he doesn't want to crush her soul, so he will do whatever he can to make her happy. I think the writer has such an original story, and it's stunning. The way they write this story is fantastic; the detail, the originality, how every sentence slows perfectly. This story in my book is a story that does not get a lot of recognition, and you can see that but it needs more. This story is a story that needs to have more people like wow, this is fantastic. This author is not getting that, and I think it might be because of the cover. I'm not sure I think the cover is perfect, but maybe finding a different cover to pop that way, more people can see the cover for what it is and want to read it. Covers are everything when it comes to Wattpad, and if you have a fancy, beautiful cover, more people will want to read it. For me, this book is, without a doubt, beautifully written, but the author has done very well, and you can feel each person's emotions and what they're going through in this story. That's what I like to read. I love to read a story where I can connect with each character I can. Having two alcoholic parents is not a good thing, but they're doing their best as children she's in high school. And he's in college, and they're just trying their best to get through, and as for Lincoln, he just wants to do what he can to make a better life for them both. To me, the author is amazing; these are stories that more people need to read. 

This is a gem of a book, yet nobody's reading it because nobody sees it. But it needs to be read, it needs to be seen, it needs to be acknowledged. Books like these are why I do what I do when it comes to reviewing. Because this book, to me, is a book that should have millions of views and votes and be acknowledged. But it's not it's hidden under a rock waiting to be noticed, and it will get its time. This author should be very proud of the work that they've written because for me, I don't have a lot of criticism to say about this book. All I have is praise for this author because they wrote prologues, and I connected with each character through prologues. I didn't even read five chapters because I didn't need to. Reading the two prologues showed me what type of author this is, and this author should be extremely proud of their work. Because for me, as a reader, it would be one of those stories I would pick up and never put down because I loved it so much. All I would say for criticism is to edit it because there are certain things that need to be re-edited but besides that, it's a phenomenal story

Thank you for letting me review your story. 📚

🪷A. D🪷


Chapter I read: two prologues.

Recommend yes/ no? I would,d without a doubt, recommend this book to everybody, and it will be going into my personal Library as well.

Summary of book

After an abusive relationship nearly took my life, I have been trying to make ends meet while in a court battle with my ex. The relationship ending in an injury. In the four years since the accident, everything has changed... Meanwhile, my mother is doing her best at sabotaging my life. Working two jobs, attending school and caring for an unfit mother is enough to make anyone go insane. When a mysterious man flirts with me in the diner one night, I learn that it's my childhood best friend. My brother and he have returned to stay in my life for good. Will the fear of abandonment outweigh having them back? Or will it bring me back to life?Dear, Myrtle Cove is a standalone novel about an intimate best friends to lovers romance that entails the hardships, growth and coming to terms with the misfortunes of life. An insightful point-of-view from the perspectives of both characters falling in love.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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