❄️Unnoticed (an original Musical)❄️

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The way that the author does this story let me tell you, the creativity and the way that this author does this story is mind-blowing because it's like you're in two different worlds. And you have to really pay attention to it, or you will. I totally do not understand this story. I was blown away. And let me tell you, it takes a lot to  Make me sit there and go wow because at the end of the day, stories like that are stories that do not get the love that they need. And this is one of those stories. These are some of the gems that do not get noticed. The creativity is phenomenal.

Originality:15 /15

This is definitely a story I've never read. This is a story I've never even come across. This story is so in a category of its own that you can't help but sit there and wonder how this author came about this story. How? How did this author decipher? Decipher what they wanted to put in this story. How did this author decide to write a story like this? Because this is one of those out of My comfort zone type stories you write, this author nailed it.

Storytelling: 15/15

This is where you're going to have to bear with me when it comes to telling the stories 1 part of the reveal. And This is why it's not normal storytelling. It's like you start off in the normal world or the normal mind of the author or the character and everything. That's going downhill. You can tell through their eyes, but then in a jift of a second. And this is where you guys have to really pay attention. It transforms into this beautiful symphony. So it's like the authors telling you two different stories. And that's where you have to pay attention because it's not just the normal storytelling. It's storytelling, but also a symphony storytelling type. This author is a genius.

Character:15 /15

The characters are so unique, like, Oh my God, the characters and the symphonies, and it's like, Oh my goodness, I don't even know how to describe this. The characters have so much charisma to them, but at the same time, you can tell that they have their own struggles. So there is so much room for development. And that's what I love. I don't want to read the story if your character is not broken. I'm sorry. That might seem horrible to me. You might be like AD. You like to read about horribly broken characters. You don't understand if your character is not broken, even if it is fan fiction. If your character is not broken, there's no room to improve your story. Once you can no longer break your character down anymore, your story has. Ended sweethearts. And that's just the truth.

Story Flows: 15/15

There is nothing wrong with this story at all when it comes to grammar and sentence structure. Or sentence flow. Everything flows correctly. And beautifully.

Cover Design: 15/15

The cover is stunning when it comes to representing the way that the author has written the book. The cover represents the book phenomenally. I love the story, and the cover is gorgeous.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

This is why I do what I do, and I continue to do what I do because I love reading stories and I love helping the unnoticed stories out. This story does not have a lot of love, and it makes me sad that it doesn't have a lot of love because, at the end of the day, this story should be at the top of its class. This story should be that story that has tons and tons of votes and tons and tons of reviews. This story should be so well known that people are like, hey, when are they coming out with another one? But it's not. The story is swept under the covers, and nobody knows about this story, but this author needs to be recognized for the beauty and originality of their work. Because this is 150% original, this is a story that I can't even say is similar to other stories I've read because it's not. The author has 100 percent originality in this story, and it is beautiful. Let me tell you, it's beautiful. So, I am honored that the author let me review their story.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:100

Summary of the book:

Asha, at the tender age of 17, seeks solace in the pages of books that weave tales of children breaking free from the chains that bind them to the world. Yet, in the reality of her own life, she remains unseen by her family, overshadowed by the presence of her 12-year-old sister. The weight of invisibility is a heavy burden, and Asha yearns for a love that transcends the confines of her overlooked existence.Hope arrives when a new boy moves in across the street, bringing with him the promise of something different. In his company, Asha begins to experience love for the first time, a feeling that has eluded her in the shadows of familial neglect. His presence is a revelation, unraveling the layers of her heart that have long been hidden and untouched.The boy becomes her guide, showing Asha the beauty of love's gentle touch and the warmth of genuine connection. Through shared moments and whispered confidences, he paints a picture of love that is tender, patient, and liberating. In his eyes, Asha discovers a reflection of her worth, a stark contrast to the indifference she has known within her own family.No longer confined to the sidelines, Asha's heart blossoms under the boy's tender care. He becomes the catalyst for her own emancipation, breaking the shackles of familial neglect. In the symphony of their hearts, she finds the melody of self-discovery and the courage to embrace a newfound sense of freedom.As the boy from across the street becomes the author of a new chapter in Asha's life, her journey unfolds with the resonance of a love story that transcends the limitations of her past. Through his companionship, she steps into the light, taking her first courageous steps toward a future where she is seen, heard, and loved.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they cannot be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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