❄️Return of the Youngest Auclair❄️

45 6 4

Creativity: 15/15
I must say the first chapter is fantastic. I started reading it, and I love how you did it, as you nailed it. When it comes to somebody that's drunk or somebody who drank something super fast, they get the hiccups. I don't see many stories where you actually have the character's hiccups. Yours did, and it made me giggle so hard, but it also showed how creative your mind is. It showed that you can take a story and a character and give them hiccups and still make it flow very nicely.

Originality: 15/15
You definitely got me on this one. I did not know it was lgbtq; not against it, nothing like that was just shocked. I'm different with this; it's not that it's not a good story because it's fantastic. The originality is what gets me. It's like you shocked me like I didn't know what to think. At first, I thought it was just like he was drunk, he had a crush on him, or he was just drunk, and then you, like, totally full-blown, got me as I loved it, and that was one of the first chapters, and I loved it.

Storytelling: 15/15
I appreciate your storytelling. I feel like the way that you do the cussing and mind you, I am big when it comes to how you do cussing. Because it can either make or break your characters and the story. I've seen somewhere they insert the customer perfectly, but then I see other stories that I have reviewed where I'm just like, no, this does not work. With yours, it's perfect. Let me tell you how perfect it is: you put the f-word where it needed to be, you put the cuss words where they needed to be, you put them with feeling, you put them with anger, you put them with shock etc, etc. The storytelling was there all together. It was put together, it was worded rightly, the cuss words where they needed to be. It was not too much cussing. It was perfect amounts, and it showed your characters' frustrations, anger, and feelings. Bravo to that. Because that is a hard concept to do and still have good character representation, you nailed it on the head.

Character: 15 /15
Your character development is phenomenal. The way that the Dad accepted his son even though he was gay really shows the maturity of his Dad, even though he knows his Dad is part of a gang, the mafia, or the black market. It's kind of confusing to me what he is at the end of the day; he accepted his son for being gay. The character development is fantastic because you see that the Sun is very scared that the Dad will not accept him, and he wants that validation from the Dad, but also, he also doesn't want to be abandoned or disowned. The Dad gives him a hug and lets him know that regardless of his sexuality and who he loves, he wants him to be happy, and that is all. You did the story, Justice. It's a beautiful story, and I can't wait to read more

Story Flows:15 /15
Okay, in chapter one, I was confused with the flow of something. You put the captain of the soccer team as only a junior. This is kind of confusing for me. Is it that he was young being a soccer team captain, or was he only a junior and was nominated as captain of the team? For me, I feel like you should reword that so it flows better because it's very confusing. And in my head, it just doesn't work.

Cover Design: 10/15
I do think that the cover is interesting, but I think it could pop more. And because you have the wording over the picture. It really makes the image hard to see. At first, I didn't even realize there was actually a picture there because the words took away from the beauty of the picture.

Final Thoughts: 10/10
At the end of the day, this is a very good story and a story that I think more people should read. It is a story about validation it is a story about acceptance, and it's the story about family. For me, this is a story that needs to be out in the world because of how it is and how it doesn't matter if you're in the mafia or the gang or the black market or whatever. When you have a child that's gay, regardless, you're going to love them. The acceptance of a child regardless of their sexuality is something that needs to be read about more because nowadays, even though being gay and being a lesbian and bisexual, etc, is being accepted more and more. It is still something that isn't 100% accepted in this world when it comes to people and parents. And it needs to be so stories like these are stories that I personally would love my child to read when he gets older because it shows that regardless of who you are, love is love. So, at the end of the day, this author deserves a medal for this. It's a very well-written story and it's a very beautiful story, something that will end up in my favorites because I will be coming back to read more of it.

Chapters I read:2

Total points: 95

Summary of the book:

Cameron shouldn't have kissed his childhood friend at that party, that one kiss forced him to choose between his family or sexuality. Now after six years, the youngest sibling of the Auclair family receives a letter telling him to return to the house he swore he would never go back to. But it isn't that easy to return to a life that's filled with crime and violence, most thought you couldn't escape in the first place.Cameron is pressured to go back to his old house and track down the truth of his father's passing; all while kissing up to his childhood friend and 4 older brothers who thought that he had just ran away all those years ago.In the end will Cameron be able to go back to his life in America or will his childhood friend refuse to let him go that easily?


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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