
36 5 2

Creativity:15 /15

The creativity in the story is what I love, and I love it because it's really family-oriented. But it's also very much the sibling rivalry that we need. I love them when the author does it. They created a family atmosphere-type story but did it in a way that was not boring or super. Generic.

Originality: 15/15

This is definitely the original story. And I say that because I don't read many stories based on family, but this one is, and it keeps you reading. it is because it has that whole sibling dynamic. The sibling dynamic is what keeps you wanting to read more because you see that they bicker back and forth like siblings do. But you also appreciate them because they still have each other's back. I love stories like this because they're so family-oriented and beautifully written, but they also give you that sense of warmth.

Character: 15/15

quite enjoyed the characters and the way that the author created them. I think the characters are what really brings the story together. I really enjoyed the mom and the dad because they really focused on themselves as good parents but also as parents who are hurt by what their teenage daughters are doing. I think the way that they portrayed each character in the story was actually pretty decent. I've never seen somebody be able to portray a dad or a mom in a way that is parent-like without making it seem cliche or dumb. But the way that this author did it was phenomenal. You got the mom aspect from the mom and the feeling of the dad being that dad. Even when it came down to the little sister. everybody has their own uniqueness. It was lovely. to them. But they also were part of that family dynamic that you loved. Even when it came to the sister, giving her sister a hug in comfort was lovely. 

Story Flows: 10/15

Below is a little snippet of what I have taken from the prologue to let you know what was wrong with it. If you read the sentence, it actually doesn't sound right because she mentioned that if she was going to kill her parents, she wouldn't Have killed her sister first. Now, the reason I said that this does not sound right is that it should state that if she was going to kill her parents, she would have killed her sister first. Period, indicating that she would have done harm to her sister and then did harm to her parent as a joke. because I highly doubt she was serious about harming her parents. but still, she would have hurt her sister dead her parents. Not she wouldn't have. Other than that, the rest of the story flowed very nicely. I saw no other errors or sentences that didn't sound right or flow right.

Cover Design: 15/15

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Cover Design: 15/15

the cover and the story  Complemented. each other very well, and I did not see that they. did not complement each other very well? So the story and the cover are perfect for each other.

Final Thoughts:10 /10

The only issue I can say I really had with the story is the prologue. It's not that the prolog really wasn't a prolog, but more like a chapter. It didn't feel like a prolonged. A prologue, once again, is supposed to be a way into the story. It's supposed to make you want to continue reading the story. It's supposed to be a short snippet of what's to come. And to me, it didn't feel like that with the prolog. It felt like I was starting the story. So it felt like chapter one to me. Other than that, I found that the story was incredible. And I really did enjoy it a lot.

Chapters I read: prolog 3 chapters.

Total points:95

Summary of the book:

"We finally arrived and as we pulled the door open I braced myself for the stares and whispers, but to my complete disappointment, no one even looked our way as we walked to our locker. Turns out everyone in school had a change of style. So much for making every head turn like in those MSA videos."---------------------------------- This story follows the life of Amethyst, a shy introverted girl with self-esteem issues, as she weaves through high school and learns that life isn't like they make it seem in books and movies.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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