Chapter 8

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I had woken up to a hand touching my shoulder.

"Tilly... Tilly" Sam had been gently shaking me, I opened my eyes to see we were pulled over on the side of the road, I looked at the blonde confused and barely awake "I need directions to your house, I've been trying to wake you up for 10 minutes"

I rubbed my eyes putting my address in the GPS on the car screen, I put my seat back a little bit trying to go back to sleep, but for some reason I couldn't. I was just awake now. Putting my seat back forward I stared out the windshield in front of me.

What felt like 45 minutes was just 7 minutes, Sam turned pulling into my driveway and then he spoke "I'll just be waiting out here, I'll make room in the boot for you to put your bags or suitcase of clothes, if you need some help just yell out or call me"

When I got into the house I had looked around, I first had grabbed some clothes out of my closet, I owned ONE piece of Sam and Colby Merch which was the black XPLR season one hoodie, I put that neatly on my bed with a pair of leggings and white Nike shoes for me to change into before I left, I grabbed a bunch of random clothes and stuffed it in my suitcase, I had also grabbed a few miscellaneous items and put them in a small bag.

I hauled my bags out the door walking down the path back to the car, Sam was leaning on the car when he saw me, he jumped up grabbing my bags "I'll take those for you, is that all or is there more? Nice jumper by the way"

I took my bag off my shoulder swinging it on the suitcase "One of my favourite, I reckon I have one more bag but I can get it, I was gonna ask you before.. am I like basically moving in with you?" I stood there waiting for an answer

"I guess so, I haven't even spoken with Colby but yeah you can move in with us if you'd like there's plenty of room so I'm sure he wouldn't mind" Sam closed the boot of the car walking back to the drivers seat "all ready?"

"Hold on I forgot my phone charger and the last little bag in my room. Give me like 30 seconds" I rushed inside almost tripping up the step into my house. I quickly grabbed the charger and the last bag, I didn't want to keep Sam waiting. I closed the door rushing back to the car. Once we had finally driven off it was just pure silence for the rest of the trip, I let out a yawn as I went back to sleeping, it wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world but it did the trick.

"Hey Tilly no sleeping, you won't sleep tonight otherwise. Your like a bat, you sleep during the day and awake at night. Your an odd one." Sam had broken the silence, I looked up to see him concentrating on the road. I shook my head looking at the sunset out the window, I watched as we had just passed the road to the house

"Uh where we are going? You missed the turn" I look behind me seeing us get further and further away from the road. "Oh I know" Sam said "Just go to sleep I'll wake you up soon" I shrugged resting my head back on the window falling asleep.

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