Chapter 11

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When I got in the house, the first thing I did was get a sense of my surroundings, I cringed at each creak on the old warped floorboards as I walked on them, the smell of rot and wet wood stung my nose, this house was definitely felt old. I stood in the middle of the room for a moment when a shadow had flickered at the corner of my vision. A shiver curled up my body causing my hairs on the back of my neck to stand.

When I turned my head to see if I could see it again, there was nothing there.. my blood ran cold and my breath was shaky, suddenly a cold hand landed on my shoulder and I yelled

"Hey hey calm down it's just me.." Sam said slightly panicked from the yell. My heart was pounding out of my chest in fear.

"Sorry.." I whispered in a low tone. My attention went to Satori after I heard her voice echo throughout the house.

"Sam, Colby, Tilly! Could you please come here? I need you to sign a waiver" Her voice was soft but loud. When we had walked over to her she handed the three of us a waiver to sign, my eyes widened when I read 'Spirit attachments'

"SPIRIT ATTACHMENTS?!" I said quite loudly, they didn't warn me about that, Colby put a reassuring hand on my shoulder "You'll be fine.. It's alright, Sam and I were fine last time, nothings going to get attached to you" I had to admit, Colby's words made me feel slightly better about staying here. We then went to the séance room and the boys started the cameras.

Sam and Colby went through the rules of the video and I stood away to allow them to do their thing. I was looking around when I saw what seemed to be a woman standing in the corner she was no taller then 5'5" she wore a long beige dress and her hair was short. I caught Sam and Colby also looking at the corner, they looked at me confused and then Sam spoke

"Tilly..? What are you staring at? Was something there?"

I could still clearly see the woman standing there, I blinked a few times and she disappeared. I looked away from the corner and then at Sam and Colby.

"I swear I saw a woman in the corner.." I whispered. Sam and Colby's eyes widened.

"A woman? What do you mean? What did she look like?" Colby asked. His voice sounded quiet excited. I was about to say something when I heard what sounded like Colby's voice in the kitchen. I looked at the blonde and brunette who were already staring at me.

"Hello?" Colby said. The voice mocked him back, it sounded exactly like him.

"It's coming from the kitchen" I pointed out. Colby looked at me and tilted his head.

"Really I can hear it from behind me.." he turned his body to face the room that was behind us. Colby spoke a few more times until the voice finally stopped repeating back to him.

Suddenly I remembered the photo of the spirit that serves as the protector in this house and what she looked like. That's when it hit me..

Abigail Arnold...

It made me do it || Sam and Colby storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant