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Once the three of them, Raven, Star, and Winter, get to their destination they are meant with this elegant, giant, building painted with pastels and gold. The entrance is a massive golden door guarded by to woman. One of the woman has purple hair in a bun, wearing dark metal armor, dark skin tone, and is holding a sword with pink flowers on it. The other woman has white, short hair in a small ponytail with a pink flower in it and is wearing light metal armor, her sword has purple swords on it.

Winter and the other two go up towards the two girls when Winter starts speaking to them.

"Hey Evelyn, can I go talk to Pixel??" Asks Winter, talking to the purple haired

"Did you set up an appointment?"


"Then no."

"But Evelyn! This is important!!" Says Winter.

"Evelyn whats letting Winter talk to Pixel going to do-? He talks to them all the time, so we can trust him." States the white haired guard.

"Yeah but he has company Adeline. Plus, we can't unless he makes an appointment." Says Evelyn.

"But he said its important!" Says Adeline.

"Adeline, we arent letting him in, okay?"

"Okay- sorry winter."

"It's fine Adeline." Says Winter, walking away. Raven and Star follow him until they are a decent amount away from Evelyn and Adeline.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Asks Star, clearly upset they got rejected.

"Don't worry, I know a secret passage that leads to another entrance into her building—!" Says Winter with hope, "But the other entrance is guarded with cameras and a gate. We'll should still be able to get passed it hopefully."

"And if we cant?" Asks Raven, uncertain about this idea.

Winter just shrugs. "We'll just make an appointment i guess-"

Raven sighs, "Wow okay, just- show us the way." Winter then starts walking into an alleyway.


Evelyn watches Winter disappear behind a building from her spot near the door.

"Where are they going now?" Evelyn asks to himself partially.

"I don't know-" says Adeline.

"I don't know either, but I'm going to go check where they are going, you stay here ok Adie?" States Evelyne, using a nickname she has for her, "If you need more help guarding the entrance you can always call another guard up to help you."

"Okay! Bye Eve!" Adeline says back.


where a well is placed. "A well..?" Says Raven, confused.

"It's not just a well, look in it-!" Winter points to inside the well where a ladder is bolted on. He then proceeds to not use the ladder and just flies straight down. Star follows next, using the ladder since one of her wings is smaller than the other. She is shortly followed by Raven, who hesitantly climbs down the ladder with them.




Word count :490

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