2 - Un-un-friended

198 2 11

Aiden's pov---

"W-wha-what?" Aiden stuttered out. This couldn't be happening. Of all the people... Her?

This was not good.

"The feelings mutual." Aru said. Obviously he'd been easy to read. There was an awkward pause.

"So... Um... I've come over here to make a proposal." Aru mumbled, grinding her teeth, before clearing her throat "Aiden Acharya, for the period of the competition and no longer, I have decided to be"

Aiden tensed, unsure of what she would say next.


He sighed, half relieved, half disappointed. But what did he expect her to say. His girlfriend?

Nothing like that was ever going to happen.

"Sure, I guess" Aiden replied after a moment. "Is that all you came over to say?"

"Well, I had a few more insults in the bag, which I can't use now I have to be civil -" she said civil like it was the most outrageous thing she'd ever heard, "- but the main reason is because I have to discuss the information with you before we leave."

"And when do we leave?"

"3 days." Aru answered, sounding a little too cheery. He knew she liked spontaneity, but this was a whole new level.

"Days?" Aiden checked to make sure he heard right.

"Uh-huh. We gotta run through this stuff - fast."

"Do you want to talk here, or at your house or -"

"No!" Aru said a little too quickly, before composing herself. "Your house will work."

"Okaaay..." Aru shot him a look that told him not to ask. He took the advice.
"Welcome in."


Aru sat awkwardly on the edge of the sofa. Her foot bounced lightly against carpet, as if she was nervous, but her tawny coloured eyes were cool.

"How long has it been since I've been here?" She asked, glancing around the room.

1 year and 3 weeks Aiden thought.

"No idea." Aiden replied from where he sat opposite her, "Can you read the letter out?"

"Oh, yeah!" Aru said as if only just remembering why she was there.

"Here we go:

'this is the private information concerning Arundhati Shah, Aiden Acharya and no-one else. To be read by anyone else without express permission would be against the Data Protection act and ' blah blah blah, 'imprisonment of 2 years' skipity-skipity-skip ' army of lawyers' aaaaaaaand... Here we go.

" 'Congratulations, candidates, here is all the information you will want to know about this year's, Competition of Brilliance. Sometimes referred to as NBCs or Brilliance by the team, the competition is a chance of a lifetime for any creative and hardworking student."

Aru shot a quick stare at Aiden, making sure he was listening, before going back to reading.

"As you probably know, Brilliance has been going on for 5 years now, but this is the first year in which it will be televised. Therefore, instead of doing mainly ordinary tests, such as math, literacy, etc., we have decided to put in more unconventional challenges, such as deduction and espionage.' Oh my gosh, it's like Mission Impossible and the Hunger Games put together! Minus the cool outfits though."

"And the killing, right?" Aiden added. Aru shrugged and smiled maliciously.

"We can cross that bridge when we come to it.


'There will be 2 chaperones for all 30 teams, and they will stay as your chaperones for the whole time. All competitors have a room in the Otherworld Hotel, although some challenges may mean that competitors may have to stay elsewhere for 1/2 nights. Medical staff and Child welfare officers will be around for challenges, at the hotel, ect. You must work on all challenges with your partner unless otherwise specified.

Please bring at least one formal outfit and one set of works clothes for the trip. The rest of the clothes are up to you. The trip is 3 weeks long, but there will be washing machines on site. All other questions will be answered on pick up day.' "

Aru set down the sheet on the table and brushed some loose hair behind her ear.

"I guess your stuck with me?"

Aiden had meant it to be a joke, but it came out sounding dull.

Aru's eyes darted to him for a second, before looking at the top corner of the room.

"I guess so." Her voice sounded even grimmer. She brushed some imaginary dust off her jeans and snatched up the paper. Suddenly, her eyes widened. "There's something else!"

"What is it?" Aiden leaned forward.

"We... Are going to Florida!" Aru squealed, and Aru saw her smile properly for the first time in over a year. She seemed to realise what she was doing and composed herself.

"Bye, snob." Aru said, walking towards the exit.

"Bye, Shah." Aiden replied before he could stop himself.

Aru paused, tensing at the old nickname. Silently, she looked over her shoulder, smiled sadly and slipped away.

Almost, Aiden thought, like she did just over a year ago.


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