5- questions

207 2 16

Aru's pov--

Aru could remember the last time she was this close to Aiden.

It had evolved shoving him into a tree.


"Hi Aru!" Aiden said, smiling at her like nothing had happened, "I went over to your house but you weren't in, or you didn't come to the door. Is everything ok?"

The park was always empty, which was why Aru had decided to go there, just to be sure that no-one would bother her. Her plan was to sit on a bench, listen to Lewis Capaldi and cry until she felt ready to face the world again. It was even raining, so her tears would be seen.

But, obviously, by some real bad strike of luck, Aiden was there. Aru tried to ignore him, knowing that if she saw him, nothing could hold her broken heart together.

Nothing could stop her from breaking down.

"Could you leave?" She asked, trying to keep the tremor out of her voice.

"Aru, are you ok?"

"Leave, please." She repeated.

"Are you -"

"Ok?" Aru asked, a deep bitterness rising inside her. "Okay?"

Aiden stepped in front of where she was sitting. "What is it?" Maybe, if it was another day, she could have thought it was genuine.

But not today.

"You're serious? After what you did!" Aru stood up now, her hatred burning. No, not hatred, stronger than that.

"What are you talking about?" Aiden took a step back.

"You know what I'm talking about!" Aru shouted, " I trusted you! Don't you know how hard that is? I thought you of all people would understand."

"Huh?" He looked surprised. Confused, even.

"You hurt me, Aiden.
You betrayed me."

The anger subsided, making way for a crushing sorrow.

Her vision clouded, and a lump knotted in her throat. She walked towards him, grabbed the neck of his t-shirt and pulled him down to her.

"Do me a favour and leave me alone." She whispered into his ear, "You've ruined my life enough already."

She stared into his eyes. Even with her blurry view, they still sparkled like the night sky. A small, sad smile crossed her lips, but she forced it off. She pushed him away, trying not to look back.

And she didn't


A voice brought her back to the present.

"Hi everybody!" Kara said, "So we got a flat tire, but luckily were right by a gas station! So we've just stopped here for now -"
She suddenly saw Aru and Aiden.

The "now" got very elongated.

Aru sat up immediately brushing off her t-shirt and blushing excessively. Fortunately, Kara didn't comment.

"Just come out when you're ready!" She flashed a quick smile at everyone and backed out.

"I... Ah..." Aiden began, sounding almost as self-conscious as Aru felt.

"So... Er..."


"Sorry." Aru said eventually, trying to end the cycle of groans.

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