The Transcendent Galactic Naval Warfare Faction Information:

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This chapter exist because one of my fans, 'Explor0' had mentioned to me of making information in regards to the more interstellar naval forces of the Gaia Transcendent Humanity and I thought, I can't believe I have forgotten about this because it wouldn't be a galactic naval without a galactic navy, right?

Case in point, though, after I have done with this, I wanted to try out a new, well, 'Speculative Storytelling', which is basic translation to, making a new story and I know, I know, you might be asking...

"Seriously, dude, stop making new stories and start writing already!"

Yeah, well, I can't stop when something pop in my mind and this is after I read, 'Diabolical Kombat' by 'DaneNagai', a Mortal Kombat and The Boys Crossover and let me tell you, it does start off strong when Scorpion is in the picture and have the DaneNagai special of being a badass anti-hero.

Getting past that, thought and I just realized something. As The Boys from both comics and TV Series have all your favourite comic book heroes be corrupted copies of either raging cartoon villains or just really bad people behind closed doors, I would like to make The Boys FanFic in making your favourite comic villains be their most heroic copies while having a corporation that is honestly good and benevolent for once.

What do you think?

Getting past that aside, both the DC Universe and the Marvel Universe, in fact, the comic book superhero genre has a plethora of villains, anti-villains or anti-heroes for me to pick and while the best course of action would be picking the mainstream original villains of the comics, I would like to have your pick because if you haven't noticed, putting in images here is very limited by only 20 so, it is limited to be on point and there will be more for that to come from.

Plus, I.... I wanted to put three anime heroines in the story, from a certain anime that deals with superheroes and three of the most noteworthy and... ahem... plot thickening heroines you know and love.





Well, that aside, let me know in the comments below for more.

With that said, let's get right in to the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There. They belong to their respective owners.



Faction Information:
As the Gaia Transcendent Republic is an intergalactic civilisation where they likewise travel all across the galactic cosmos, the GTR's Forces of Naval Warfare are basically the ones that made any headways in cosmic naval warfare and as the Transcendent Humanity have become the most technologically advance races in the galactic cosmos but also the most advance in interstellar travel alongside galactic metaphorical oceanic combat in the deep space itself.

Furthermore, said of the GTR's Naval Warfare Units are more than just aerial ships, jets and captains that knows what they are doing but also included powerful super weapons that makes them very dangerous through their ability to even destroy a planet through a galactic extermination that can cracked a planet open to smithereens and of course, there is already mentioning of the Transcendent Humanity having Dyson Spheres and it shows through their planet-sized space ships that is both their home base and their most powerful weapons in their arsenal.

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