{Inside Chat}

--Winning chat--

Mic; And you Kit, you wanted to know about my cats??
Mic; Here-!
Mic; +Insert image (image is top)+
Mic; The orange one is B, and the other one is Chiyo.
Mic; B is a very chaotic little guy, and Chiyo is a calm girly who's named after my husband's mom. +Insert smiley face+

Kit; I'm not allowed to take pics of our kitty but he's so cute-! His name is Nio!
Kit: he's my kitty, but he likes my sister more.

Owl; +Insert smug face emoji+


{Outside of chat}

Mizuki bursts into giggles at being told to shush- but she was quiet. Noriko also laughs, a little louder but not loud enough to bother the quiet household.

Something weird pings in Hizashi's mind about this situation. He could get not being allowed to take pictures of themselves, their house or even sharing their name, but not being able to take pictures of their cat seemed odd. He decides to push a little.

{Inside chat}

--Winning chat--

Mic; Oh? Why can't you take pictures of Nio? I would love to see him!

Owl; Papa doesn't like us taking pictures of anything. He says it's a privacy thing.

Kit; And when dad is angry, he's angry for weeks.
Kit; And mom flips out too.
Kit; We just don't wanna deal with it.

{Outside chat}

Hizashi seems to hesitate, staring at his phone with an uneasy feeling in his stomach. 'Angry for weeks?' That seems... bad.

Mizuki and Noriko are happily sitting in the room, waiting for his response, not even really registering how concerning that seemed to sound.

{Inside chat}

--Winning chat--

Mic; Oh? Well I can imagine that must get annoying huh?
Mic; I'm guessing since both of you have been referring to eachother as 'sister' that both of you are girls?

Owl; Mhmm! I'm Kit's older sister!

Kit; Yup- and I'm the younger and more fun one!

Mic; haha! I bet both of you are a lot of fun
Mic; Well, our 30 minutes are reaching their end kiddos, but feel free to save this number, if you text it, who knows, maybe I'll answer again!
Mic; goodnight little listeners!!!!!

Owl; Goodnight Mr. Mic!

Kit; Night.

{Outside of chat}

Hizashi knew he shouldn't have told them to save and text his radio number, but honestly the kids were both interesting and now concerned him, and he would rather them have the direct contact number to a pro hero than not have it just in case they got into any danger. His mind was boggled, but he went back to his radio show and talked about having a wonderful conversation with the winners, making sure not to say their ages, but using their usernames.

And Mizuki and Noriko happily sat there and listened to his voice on their little radio bragging about talking to two of the most interesting listeners he had ever had- talking about the quirk questions and the conversation about the cat in a way that made both girls feel good.

But Noriko messed up.

She laughed a little too loud- and it just so happened to be right around the time that her mother got home.

The door to their room slammed open only a split second after they managed to hide the devices.

"Are you listening to that damn radio show again? I TOLD you that heros are useless." The blonde woman, Nami Haruto, walked over- unplugging their radio with a glare.

"Your quirks are nothing more than useless shards of broken glass off of a mosaic. Disgusting the way you both idolize those horrid people." Nami hissed.

"B-but- but my quirk is cool! I can do fire like you with my blood!" Noriko fights back, a bad idea in this house- but before she could be once again warned, she receives a harsh slap from Nami, a bit of heat in it that causes her to whimper a bit.

"Pathetic. My quirk may be useful, but I can burn with my hands, I can heat myself to the point of it being of use, and your father can create objects from his blood. You are only a horrid version of us, the worst of both worlds. You're a useless disgrace to my family lineage, another unwanted girl when we wanted boys!" Nami growled

"No she isn't-" Mizuki messed up herself, her protective nature over her little sister made her angry at Nami- earning her a slap of her own, a deep burning pain in her face as she bit back a whimper, trying to stay strong as she choked out "Noriko i-s better than t-that."

Nami slapped her again as she spoke, leaving a burn on her face once again. "You do not get to speak. You do not get to talk. You're completely worthless! You're just a child of a dead woman- all you can do is be a nuisance! You're a villain!"

"..." Mizuki fell silent at that, giving a signal to Noriko to as well.

It wasn't worth fighting against the obvious.

-Let's Chat- (MHA x OC fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now