The house had been disgusting.

Broken beer bottles, blood stained walls, a thick haze of smoke.

It was hell.

And the worst part were that there were two people- the parents of the children, rightly presumed by the heros, just sitting around on the couch when they lock-picked their way in.

"Put your hands up and do not make attempts to run! You are under arrest by the hero commission and the Musutafu police department for suspected misconduct and abuse of a child! Two counts!" Naomasa took the first initiative to speak, and the parents made a lunge for them- quickly stopped by Shouta with his quirk and Rumi who quickly went in for a good brawl that ended in the police department cuffing them and dragging them outside.

"Rumi- do you hear anything?" Hizashi questioned her quietly, knowing he himself was slowly losing his hearing and wouldn't be able to hear the kids even if he tried, and Rumi had advanced hearing just under that of Nezu, who was still outside the house.

"..I hear.. 1 person breathing from somewhere over there in that hall. I can't hear anyone else though." Rumi mused back- causing a flash of worry to hit everyone else's faces.

"Fuck. There's two kids though. Two. Fuck okay- uh- Naomasa you go get Nezu- maybe he'll be able to hear more- Rumi you lead the way to the breathing you hear." Shouta hissed in a low, worried tone, running his hand through his hair as he followed behind Rumi closely- Hizashi on their tail and Naomasa jogging outside to go find Nezu and bring him in to help the search.

The hall was not a pleasant sight either- burn marks in the walls and ashes around the place- along with shards of brownish-red objects that seemed to be sharp, which were avoided.

And eventually they reached a bedroom.

Inside was.. worse.

Just, worse.

The whole place seemed to be covered in ash and the black residue of burning- it smelled strongly of the irony scent of blood, and slightly of burning flesh- it had only 1 bed with 1 hole-filled almost burnt to death blanket on top of it stained brown with dried blood that had clearly been desperately washed but still unable to come out completely.

The furniture was all old and dangerous for any child to be near in all honesty, sharp corners and broken glass everywhere.

And along with the horrid smells of bodily harm, the smell of alcohol was even worse in here, broken and shattered beer bottles and puddles of spilled beer soaked into the carpet along with empty wine glasses shattered on the floor, it was a disgusting combination of smells that made even the 3 experienced heros gag.

The only 2 majorly 'positive' things the heros could point out were the Present-Mic branded radio that was half broken and on the middle of the bed, and a small book shelf full of notebooks and textbooks labeled with different things in small, loopy handwriting, but even those notebooks all looked damaged and burned.

"Hey kid? Kiddo you in here?" Rumi spoke with a calm tone despite how very not-calm she felt. As a limelight hero she wasn't usually put in delicate situations such as this one, and she could feel the bile in her throat from it all, worry hitting her hard.


"Kid?" Rumi followed her ears and crouched down in front of the bed were she had heard the noise from, but it looked like there was nothing under there. She could feel herself getting dizzy with anxiety, the presence of this room and the lack of the kid suffocating her thoughts.

"... I swear to god their breathing is coming from here." Rumi muttered, looking at the wood paneling under the bed- Hizashi giving a small gasp before joining her on the nasty floor.

"It's a hidden cubby- I remember Noriko talking about it. Apparently Mizuki made it to hide her." Hizashi explained as he brought his hand to gently knock on the paneling that made the underside of the bed look empty.

"Listener... listener hey, cmon out please.." He knocked again.

And it slid to the side, the same little blonde girl he had seen in the picture that started this all, Noriko as he knew now, was curled up, bruised and beaten, but her eyes seemed to sparkle as she saw the two heros that were sitting in front of her hiding spot.

"P-res-ent Mi-c? M-iru-ko?" her voice was choked, coughed even, but it held joy and excitement, even if dulled by the pain she was feeling. She had gone offline a while after sending an 'uh-oh' to Hizashi in their chat, so this sudden surge in injuries as opposed to the photo that he got clicked into place.

Honestly though- it was Rumi who was the most a mess.

Something about the broken blue and black eyes of that child made her heart shatter into a million pieces. she couldn't bear the sight of this child like this. She had seen fucked up things in her time as a hero- her first case in her debut era being a hospital raid by a fire villain, but something about this one felt so personal, so real to her. Without even thinking she scooped Noriko into her arms, tears beginning to pour down her face.

"Oh little rabbit- oh god- you're safe now.. you're safe with me... oh god- oh god- I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry we didn't get here faster.." she mumbled on repeat, rocking Noriko in her arms as the girl struggled to truly hit the realization she was safe, after a while she relaxed into Rumi though and hugged herself close, but there was a bit of pure fear and anxiety in her eyes, pain still present.

Rumi didn't like it- Rumi refused to let the kid stay in pain any longer- so she got up without another word and walked to the exit, Hizashi and Shouta following. (Shouta had only followed because he was dead worried about the kid, and the other child would have to be found by Naomasa and Nezu anyways since they were more hidden and he wouldn't be able to provide much that they couldn't.)

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