Rumi made it outside with the kid in her arms, and Naomasa and Nezu were waiting for them to vacate to find the other child.

Noriko was barely conscious both from the time of night and from her injuries- but in the light of the street lamps and the police flashlights her injuries looked so much worse. She was covered in huge bruises that overlapped with horrid burns- and she smelled of alcohol and burning flesh- she was shaking and clinging to Rumi as the rabbit hero put her down on the ground and grabbed her phone.

"Hey little rabbit, do I have permission to take images of your injuries for legal reasons?" Rumi's hands shook as the little one nodded.

She removed the girls shirt- her body horribly beaten and burned- skin barely even there in some places, burned just before the point of starting to bleed...

The bile rose in her throat with each moment she took new photos.

Nezu had even flinched at the sight of the kid's wounds, taking a moment to let the horror of the situation and how dangerous these parents were hit him before he and Naomasa set back off into the house to fetch the other child.

Each movement Rumi made had Noriko hissing in pain or crying out, the poor girl tired and hurt.

"I'm so sorry little rabbit, I am so sorry... I promise when it's over I'll spoil you with movies and treats anything else you could ever think of... just hold on tight little rabbit... hold on... Miruko's got you.." Rumi mumbled each time she made a noise of pain- apologizing almost constantly and promising her safety and a better future.

It took a while to photograph all of her wounds, but when it was done Miruko took the hoodie she was wearing off, her sleeping attire now just a tanktop as she placed the hoodie over Noriko and scooped the girl back up in her arms, crouching in front of a horrified Chiyo, who pressed a kiss into her forehead- wincing as she did, Noriko falling asleep immediately from the use of what little energy she had.

"She's underfed. She doesn't have enough energy for me to heal all of the bruises, but she had 3 broken ribs I healed and I healed a few of the major burns so that she could at least rest a little easier while she recovers." Chiyo gave her report, an officer writing it all down as Rumi nodded and held the little one closer to herself.

"I hope the older girl is okay... god I- I dont think- I just- my god... the fear in her little eyes...the way her breathing staggered and wheezed as I watched her process she was okay- I-" Rumi started to cry again, quietly sitting down in the dirt with Noriko held close- glaring at both Hizashi and Aizawa the moment they tried to get close.

This was her kit- she was gonna protect her. She was gonna save her. Even if she couldn't find the other one to save- she swore this kid would have the best life ever.

The air stilled to a tense dreaded feeling as they all looked over at that house- the house of torture that held this 6 year old captive, and the house that had another child held somewhere within its walls.

The tense nature of the night not nearly enough to portray the emotional whirlwinds going on in everyones heads as police and heros alike looked at that house and prayed uselessly that Nezu and Naomasa would return with a child in a better state of health than this.

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